awma是什么意思 awma在线中文翻译


AWMA 双语例句

  1. The simulation results show that the deadlock avoidance policy guarantees the system to be deadlock-free and the AWMA method is better than other methods when resources are scarce.
  2. A study described in a recent AMWA report estimated that at the highest levels ever detected for the antianxiety medication meprobamate, a person would have to drink 1.24 million gal.(4.7 million L) in a day to ingest even a safe therapeutic dose.
  3. Variables influencing the pattern of remodeling were the location of AMI, initial ESA and AWMA size and reperfusion of infarcted-related artery. Increases ESA within 48 hrs of onset of AMI, considered to be an echocardiographic manifestation of infarct expansion by the authors, was suggested to be used as an early predictor for high risk patients after AMI.


abbr. Automatic Welding Machinery Association自动焊机厂商协会