avicenna是什么意思 avicenna在线中文翻译

Avicenna 英 [ˌævɪˈsenə] 美 [ˌævɪˈsɛnə]

Avicenna 词典解释

形容词阿维森纳(波斯医生和哲学家,名著<医典> 在欧洲直到17世纪仍被做为标准的医学教科书 )

Avicenna 网络解释

  1. 阿维森纳
    ...阿拉伯加里发(Calif)王朝灭亡,阿拉伯时代宣告结束.该伯(Geber)与炼金术累塞斯(Rhazes)与<<万国医典>><<万国医典>>(Al-Mansuri) 医学百科全书.阿维森纳(Avicenna)与<<医典>>1546年意大利 维罗那(Verona)的医师 夫拉卡斯托罗(Fracastro,...
  2. 亚维色那=阿维森纳=亚微瑟那
    ...averrois亚勿罗爱=阿威罗厄斯=阿弗罗厄 | avicenna亚维色那=阿维森纳=亚微瑟那 | azzolino亚索理六=阿佐利诺=阿佐利诺...
  3. (亚伟森那
    ...Averroes (亚伟若斯(1126-1198)) | Avicenna (亚伟森那(980-1037)) | Awakening (醒悟)...
  4. 阿维森纳 -选自中世纪卷
    ...Avezzo 阿维佐 | Avicenna 阿维森纳 -选自中世纪卷 | Avignon 阿维尼翁...

Avicenna 双语例句

  1. Avicenna was also a physician; his writings on medicine were important for nearly 500 years.
  2. Avicenna's contribution lead to more focus on essential oils and their benefits.
  3. In the year 1000 about, Avicenna was administering coffee as a medecine.
  4. His predecessor, Avicenna, taught that, while the Active Intellect is universal and separate, the Passive Intellect is individual and inherent in the soul.
  5. The Arabian commentators, Averroes and Avicenna, had interpreted Aristotle's psychology in a pantheistic sense.
  6. Avicenna, however, insists most emphatically that a contact of that kind does not interfere with the independent substantiality of the Passive Intellect, and does not imply that it is merged with the Active Intellect.
  7. Barbosa, as well as jury representatives of the committee of the Avicenna Prize, spoke highly of Qiu's research in the ethics of science and public advocacy of ethical issues related to science.
  8. There were conflicting reports about which side controlled Sirte's main Avicenna Hospital.
  9. Avicenna's pioneering work in neuropsychiatry was the dawn of understanding about the linkage between body and mind.
  10. Avicenna first there was the universal shit, then all the particular shits.
  11. 2009-12-22 Chinese professor Qiu Renzong recently received the2009 Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science awarded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  12. This discovery provides a new reference for the history of medical communication between Arab and Chinese medicine, and elucidates the relationship between the TCM pulse feeling and the sphygmology in Canon of medicine by avicenna, from Arab world.
  13. Written at the beginning of the 11th century, the medical book Avicenna's Canon of Medicine is one of important medical classics in world medical history. It was regarded as the medical guide in Europe, Arab countries and Northern African countries for a long time.
  14. Philosophers from the Middle Ages include the Muslim philosophers Alkindus, Alfarabi, Alhacen, Avicenna, Algazel, Avempace, Abubacer and Averroes; the Jewish philosophers Maimonides and Gersonides; and the Christian philosophers Anselm, Peter Abelard, Roger Bacon, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham and Jean Buridan.
    哲学家从中世纪包括穆斯林哲学家 Alkindus ,阿尔法拉比,Alhacen ,阿维森纳,Algazel ,Avempace ,Abubacer和阿威罗伊;犹太哲学家迈蒙尼德和Gersonides ;和基督教哲学家安瑟伦,彼得亚伯拉德,罗杰培根,托马斯阿奎那,邓司各脱,奥卡姆的威廉和Jean布里丹。


[医] 阿维森纳(980-1037,中世纪卓越的医学家,生于中亚细亚的布哈尔)
n Arabian physician and influential Islamic philosopher; his interpretation of Aristotle influenced St. Thomas Aquinas; writings on medicine were important for almost 500 years (980-1037)