astrid是什么意思 astrid在线中文翻译


Astrid 网络解释

  1. 艾丝翠得
    ...在1920年,罗尔德3岁的时候,他7岁的姊姊艾丝翠得(Astrid)死于盲肠炎. 大约一个月之后,他父亲死于肺炎,时年57岁. 他的母亲虽然可以选择回到挪威与亲戚一起生活,但她还是决定留在英国,因为罗尔德的父亲生前一直十分希望他的儿女能在英国接受教育,...
  2. 阿斯特里德
    ...虽然美国执法人员提交法庭的文件只提到纽约州长斯皮策是第九号客人,其余嫖客身份并未披露. 但据悉第六号客人在伦敦召妓,尽享一名叫阿斯特里德(Astrid)妓女的温柔乡后,致电帝皇俱乐部VIP,预约下一次服务....
  3. 艾丝翠得 丹麦 神圣的力量;星星的
    ...Arlene 艾琳娜 赛尔特 誓约、信物. | Astrid 艾丝翠得 丹麦 神圣的力量;星星的. | Atalanta 亚特兰特 希腊 跑得快的美丽少女....

Astrid 双语例句

  1. Shuttled through foster homes and mothers (Robin Wright Penn, Renee Zellweger), Astrid Struggles to master the techniques she needs of she is to survive the unyielding and the harsh world she is thrust into. In the three years that mark her passage from a child to an adult, Astrid learns the value of independence and courage, rage and forgiveness, love and survival, to earn her freedom from the past.
  2. Astrid Hamm 阿斯特丽哈姆: Dear Paolo, I am one of your great admirers, but this story is absolutely beautifu, so simple but so...
    亲爱的保罗,我是您的其中一个伟大的仰慕者,但这个故事是绝对beautifu ,这么简单,但。。。
  3. There`s an issue with HTML access from within apps, such as Wapedia and Astrid.
  4. By the age of five, Dahl had witnessed the premature death of his oldest sister, Astrid, and his father, Harald.
  5. And in the mean time, she also connects various classes and types of women together with the focus Astrid and sets up a complicated and reliable feminine story.
  6. After Susie's death in 2004, Warren and Astrid got married.
  7. During this time, she latches on to the few people who bother to care about her, but with each heartbreak and each physical trauma, Astrid learns to become more and more independent.
  8. Pete Koerner 皮特koerner: Hello Astrid, and thank you for your kind words.
  9. Pecha kucha night, devised by astrid klein and mark dytham, was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
    klein dytham 建筑事务所的合伙人astrid klein与mark dytham在2003年时开始于日本东京,一开始只是想提供年轻设计师们一个展现自己的机会。
  10. It's just been going up slowly, said U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees spokeswoman Astrid van Genderen Stort in Geneva.
    这个数字还在缓慢上升中,联合国难民事务高级专员公署发言人Astrid van Genderen Stort 在日内瓦说。
  11. Astrid: No you didn't. You raised me to think like you.
  12. Through all this, Astrid attempts to figure out who she is and where she came from.
  13. Astrid must learn how to survive in this new environment, according to the laws set in each home.
  14. Second, Astrid does not really understand her mother.
  15. Astrid`s mother Ingrid is even more difficult to comprehend.
  16. Claire Richards 问 Astrid, What was the best day of your life?
  17. However, after traveling to Sweden to conduct research for the film and meet the original author, Astrid Lindgren, they were denied permission to complete the project, and it was canceled.
    但是,进行研究,为电影及满足了的原作者 Astrid 林格伦,瑞典的行后,他们被拒绝完成这项工程的权限,并且它被取消时
  18. The first children`s novel that I touched was Pippi, which, I latterly knew, was the work of Sweden`s writer Von Astrid Lindgren.
  19. Astrid Lindgren, Sweden, 1907-2002, Pippi Longstocking
  20. Dear astrid, have you been getting my letters?

Astrid 单语例句

  1. This part of western Estonia is like a scene from a novel by the Swedish children's author Astrid Lindgren.
  2. The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award is a major international prize for children's literature.

Astrid [ˈæstrid]

n. 阿斯特丽德(f.)