ascent engine是什么意思 ascent engine在线中文翻译

ascent engine

ascent engine 双语例句

  1. Even if flying outside the atmosphere, in order to ensure hit-kill the target, the common radar seeker had better not be used either. It is possible for the TBM defense interceptor to hit to kill the target or to kill the target to draw support from a strengthen kill-device with a radar seeker of high range resolution ratio or a high precision LWIR stare-image seeker, by gas thrust vector control system or gas thrust vector control/aerodynamic control system, to make use of optimum guidance law. The statically stable interceptor with gas dynamic control system in the atmosphere has the advantages that the fuel consumption of the attitude control engine is small and the error of body's angular velocity is little in the period of stabilization control. To achieve long distance ascent-phase intercept, such as the ground-launched TBM defense interceptor located in the point TBM attacking, very high demands are raised to the TBM defense system and the TBM defense interceptor, because the increase in interceptor mass is about one percent if the stand off range of the interceptor increases one kilometer, and the increase is about six percent if the intercept altitude decreases one kilometer or the reaction time of the TBM defense system increases one second for flight time of 60 to 90s, altitude of 50 to 80km and stand off range of 300 to 600km.
  2. Listeners on Earth heard the countdown from Tranquility Base: Three, two, one... first stage engine on ascent. Proceed.

ascent engine

ascent engine


machinery: 指机器的总称。
engine: 既可泛指或大或小、简单或复杂的机械、机器,又可指产生动力的发动机或引擎。
motor: 通常指小型或轻型马达、发动机。
apparatus: 指具有特殊用途的装置。
mechanism: 指运行系统,简单的机械装置。
machine: 普通用词,泛指一切机器。

engine: 其区别在于所使用的地区不同,engine是英国英语
locomotive: 其区别在于所使用的地区不同,而locomotive为美国英语。