arrow shaft是什么意思 arrow shaft在线中文翻译

arrow shaft

arrow shaft 双语例句

  1. An arrow-shaped turning indication plate is respectively arranged on the mud blocking tiles at the middle and the rear of the vehicle, a turning control knob is arranged on the left end of the bicycle handle bar, and the turning control knob is connected with the front and the rear turning indication plates by the flexible shaft.
  2. It was a white arrow, shaft and feathers alike bright as a gull's wing.
  3. Arrow consists of a shaft with head, nock, fletching and, if desired
    系列以下》,箭头最大直径为9.4 公厘。一支箭包括有箭头的箭
  4. However, since most manufacturers rate their own bows - they'll usually give themselves a few added advantages by testing the bows with a bare arrow shaft, a naked string (no nocking point, peep sight, or silencers), the lowest possible let-off setting, and with a drop-away style rest.
    然而,由于大多数制造商率自己鞠躬-他们通常会给自己增加一些优势通过测试的弓箭与裸箭头轴(无f letchings),一个赤身裸体的字符串(不n ocking点,偷看视线,或消音器)中,尽可能最低的送设置,并与一个下拉式的休息了。
  5. To make the tilt front-up, loosen the set screw, insert a screwdriver into the feed bar shaft, and turn it by 90 in the direction of arrow mark.
  6. To make the tilt front-up, loosen the set screw, insert a screw driver into the feed bar shaft, and turn it by 90 in the direction of arrow mark.
  7. Whether swinging from trees, splitting the shaft of an arrow with his own, of trading amorous glances with the beautiful Maid Marian, Flynn displays an irresistible charm.
  8. Regardless of the durability of the arrow shaft, those struck by the arrow of Cupid usually become so amorous that is almost impossible to recover the arrows.
  9. Caution: Rotation of motor must be the same as the arrow as shown on input shaft end cover.
  10. The metering device comprises a drive shaft, a displaying disk, an arrow and a frame.
  11. Seems to greedily shaft, the arrow shape, ear like wind wind to the sound passing arrows, the enemy's coach Ma and death discount price.
  12. Son very happy, greedy reasoned shaft, the arrow looks like, ear arrows whizzing sound as if passing, coach crashed off the enemy's horse and death.
  13. Son, very happy, greedy land presumably shaft, the arrow's appearance, ear sound like wind, swept to an arrow, coach crashed off the enemy's horses to death.
  14. Son, greedily assume shaft, the arrow shape, ear like wind and wind arrows over the sound, the enemy's coach and horses to death discount price.
  15. Confucius used the same analogy to answer Zilu, saying, " If one adds a metal tip to that bamboo arrow and feathers to its shaft, won't it shoot even farther and strike even deeper? "
  16. If the feather is too stiff to wrap around the shaft of the arrow, you can soften it by steaming it.
  17. Confucius used the same analogy to answer Zilu, saying," If one adds a metal tip to that bamboo arrow and feathers to its shaft, won't it shoot even farther and strike even deeper?"

arrow shaft 单语例句

  1. The term " Robin Hood " now refers to splitting the shaft of an arrow already in the target with another arrow.

arrow shaft

arrow shaft