army commander是什么意思 army commander在线中文翻译

army commander

army commander 双语例句

  1. People's Liberation Army in 2007 was appointed as an independent business unit communications battalion commander, during his tenure was second onCe and won the People's Heroes Kung defender, earthquake and other disaster relief command of the title of Hero deputy regiment level
  2. In 2000 was promoted to the original independence of successive long leave, I was a graduate of the temporary appointment of an independent again and again as the People's Liberation Army communications unit lengTh, led during his tenure was ordered to attend the Russian A-field task force to ensure the safety of their supreme commander, was wounded was awarded the merit of first time deputy battalion level
  3. Wang Qian, a vice battalion commander, explained that'female soldiers are a special element of the army, 'so intelligence alone isn't enough to ensure selection.
  4. Jiang Yiwu, as the literature agencys president and the commander in chief of the revolutionary army in Hubei, his thought of objecting to the feudal autocracy, establishing democracy republic and armed struggle is connected with his firm revolutionary position and indomitable revolutionary practice.
  5. Gregori Arbatov was a rifle company commander in the Red Army in the Battle of Berlin.
  6. In August 1926, he was in Wuhan, the National Revolutionary Army 1st Division 1st regiment commander when either accept the revolutionary ideas, in September the same year took part in the Communist Youth League, to join the revolution.
  7. All the tuition fees were paid with borrowed money, totaling more than 200 silver dollars. The debt was not repaid until later I became a brigade commander of the Hu Guo Army.
  8. BC -123 years, the Empire launched Monan battle, combat troops Weiqing, General Department of six hundred thousand cavalry, combat range of the plateau south of 124 BC, a Han army to leave the Great Wall, long-distance march 600 years, long-range strike Hun You Xianwang Ting, You Xianwang that Han can not be far away from the Great Wall to fight at night drunk Gaowo account, the Huns defeated, only to bring Aiqie receive hundreds of Youxian Wang Zhuang ride to break through the West, Han people were killed and captured Huns 15, 000 achieved an unprecedented victory, the court awards Weiqing Army soldiers 100, 000 kilograms of gold, Weiqing three sons and six generals Monkey at the same time, the Han imperial envoys in the field of worship Weiqing Han commander in chief.
  9. During the liberation war, he served as commander of the Northeast Democratic coalition forces, military commander and political commissar of the Northeast, the Northeast Field Army Commander, the Fourth Field Army.
  10. Just as naturally, as simply, and as gradually as Kutuzov had come to the Court of Exchequer at Petersburg out of Turkey to raise the militia, and then to take the command of the army just at the time when he was needed, did a new commander come now to replace him, when his part was played.
  11. The Tsar was with the first army, but not in the capacity of commander-in-chief.
  12. The good results of the Northern Army, the only one that retreated in an organized and orderly fashion from Transylvania, led to the appointment of general Prezan as commander of the 1st Army and of the Danube Defense Group (the former 3rd Army) on 17 November 1916, major Antonescu (he had been promoted at the beginning of the month) coming with him as the chief of his Operations Bureau.
  13. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
  14. August 22, 1937, the government officially announced that the Red Army Military Commission into the main section of the Eighth Route Army National Revolutionary Army (referred to as the Eighth Route Army), the appointment of a deputy commander-in-chief, under the jurisdiction of the three divisions, each division jurisdiction over the two brigades, each brigade jurisdiction over the two groups, the number of each division to 15, 000 people.
    抗战前,国民革命军第八路军原是广东地方军阀部队,陈济棠曾任第八路军总指挥,下辖三个子师:第五十九师长余汉谋,第六十二师长香翰屏,第六十三师长李杨敬,该部番号后被蒋介石撤消。1937年8月22 日,国民政府军事委员会正式宣布红军主力改编为国民革命军第八路军,委任了正副总指挥,下辖三个师,每师辖两个旅,每旅辖两个团,每师定员为15000人。
  15. However, a premonition that the German army in Stalingrad in the vicinity to the demise of Hitler, urging the commander of forces ranging from full focus on the offensive end, the Czech Bureau Linikewo German group to Stalingrad along the railway in the Dec. 12 to Soviet attack, but the slow progress, and then forced into defense. 24, the German Branch of the Soviet Czech Linikewo group launched a strong attack and smash the group. 16, and assigned to the Southwest Area Army troops launched an offensive to crush the middle reaches of the Don region of the German army to keep the German group Tuoermoxin the rear.
  16. Commander Daniel, is this your army?
  17. He is the commander of the army.
  18. Shali, as everyone called him, had entered the army as a draftee and risen through the ranks to his current position as the commander of NATO and U. S.
  19. In the vanguard of the Red Army was Commander Liu Po-ch'eng, who had once been an officer in a warlord army of Szechuan.
  20. 1928Year January 4, Jiang3 Jie4 Shi2 replies the revolutionary army commander in chief's job of a citizen and from now on Soong Mei-ling accompany him to come in and go out at the hinterland, side area and the battle front.

army commander 单语例句

  1. They joined an air force organized by legendary US Army Colonel Claire Lee Chennault, who went on to become a major general as commander of the unit.
  2. An army general also was arrested and a police commander was relieved of his duties as military chiefs moved to prevent any rebellion.
  3. The commander also said that the Thai army has used gas shell as they fired 130 mm artillery rounds at Cambodian soldiers.
  4. Liu and regiment commander Zhang said they expect more locally developed equipment will be used in army aviation units in the future.
  5. Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic and his political master Radovan Karadzic are indicted for genocide for the atrocity.
  6. He also is the top official in the ruling Workers'Party and supreme commander of the army.
  7. He was rewarded as " Outstanding Commander " in 2008 and was highly respected in the army for his integrity and selflessness.
  8. Mao emerged from the conference as the leader of the Communists Party and overall commander of the Red Army.
  9. The First Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army was set up, with Yang Jingyu as the commander.
  10. A residential house was partially damaged in the exchange of fire between militant commander and contingents of police and army.

army commander

[网络] 军长;军团司令官;军领
army commander


army: 军队,着重指军队这个整体,包括陆海空三军。当与navy和air force并列使用时,则指陆军。如:We will have not only a powerful army but also a powerful air force and a powerful navy.(我们不但要有强大的陆军,而且要有强大的空军和海军。)
force: 军队,部队,着重指武力,常用复数。如:Forces were sent out to stop the conflict.派出武装部队制止这场冲突。
troop: 部队,着重指构成军队的士兵成员,常用复数。如:They sent the troops to the front.他们把军队派往前线。

army: 表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军。
troops: 常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队。
forces: 语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。