army aviation是什么意思 army aviation在线中文翻译

army aviation

army aviation 双语例句

  1. Pakistan Army Aviation Corps flies a mixture of fixed and rotary wing aircraft in close support of ground operations.
  2. We are also very proud of the great progress in modernizing Army Aviation.
  3. Gulf of Aden region, our army did not air map, the State Civil Aviation Administration should have?
  4. Nathaniel Dabney, second left, of Prescott, Ariz., with Charlie Company, 3-82nd Aviation Regiment- Task Force Talon, directs US Marines as they carry a young Afghan gunshot victim to a waiting army Blackhawk helicopter during a medevac operation, in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan, Monday, Oct.
    AP/Brennan Linsley 纳撒尼尔达布尼,左二,与查理公司,3第82航空团,工作队的魔爪,对普雷斯科特,亚利桑那州,指挥海军陆战队,他们携带一个年轻的阿富汗枪伤受害者等待陆军黑鹰直升机在一个医疗后送行动在赫尔曼德省,省,阿富汗南部,星期一,10月19日。
  5. However, the'individual lifting device'concept was eventually deemed to be impractical in the light of then-current Army tactical doctrine and was abandoned, and the De Lackner Aerocycle thus became no more than an interesting footnote in the history of Army aviation.
  6. The main products of the group include large capacity VRLA battery, gelled cell, flooded cell, lithium anion cell, battery for electric bicycle, DC power panel, ups, telecommunication switch-mode power, super capacitor, electric cable and wire etc. all the products are widely used in the area of telecommunication, railway transportation, power, aviation, army and civil aviation.
  7. Dr. Sun YS was able to move forward to become the president of China, because he could take Guangzhou, that southern region was his base, and the only matters is that allowed him to take Guangzhou were two things, one is the aviation through grandfather, and the army forces that were able to penetrate because of the aviation show the way, when he died at age of 31, he was called a martyr, martyr of the revolution, and buried in HuangHuaGang 黄花岗, National Martyr Cemetery.
  8. A spokesman at the U. S. Army Post in Fort Hood, Texas, said that a helicopter from its 1st Battalion of the 227th Aviation Regiment was missing in action in Iraq.
  9. National Aeronautics aircraft refers to the army, police and customs, such as the use of aircraft, civil aviation aircraft are mainly civilian aircraft and helicopters, civilian aircraft and civilian aircraft refers to the freighter and passenger dual-use machine.
  10. The Army has such arms as the infantry, artillery, armor, engineering, communications, anti-chemical warfare and Army aviation, as well as other specialized units.
  11. The Army has such arms as infantry, armor, artillery, air defense, Army aviation, engineering, chemical defense and communications, as well as other specialized units such as those of electronic counter-measure, reconnaissance and mapping.
  12. American Volunteer Group fighter ace and President of the Flying Tigers Association, John DickRossi and Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation Executive Director, Jeff Greene are photographed at the former AVG and American Army Air Force airfield at Guilin, China.
  13. American Volunteer Group fighter ace and President of the Flying Tigers Association, John DickRossi and Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation Executive Director, Jeff Greene are photographed at the former AVG and American Army Air Force airfield at G
  14. ARMY AVIATION DOCTRINE 5010% cost and time reduction to tactical and dive bomber construction.
  15. Army aviation; data link; poll protocol; injunction-first
  16. RESEARCH ON PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES OF CARRIER-BASED HELICOPTER AIRCREW IN DIFFERENT LENGTH OF VOYAGE PERIOD The Operational Application of Army Aviation in Situation of Informatization and the Development of Helicopters
  17. Ambulant machine for producing oxygen fitted on vehicle, one of the ground guarantee equipments of aviation army adopts obturated cycling water. Because the restriction of using condition, the cooling effect is not ideal in most instance.
  18. Armed helicopter is a killer weapon armament of Army Aviation, its mainly function is the first-line suppression, attacking surface armor and support of ground attack.
  19. Army rating method of aviation fuels
  20. American Volunteer Group fighter ace and President of the Flying Tigers association, john " dick " rossi and Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation executive director, Jeff Greene are photographed at the former AVG and American Army Air Force airfield at guilin, china.

army aviation 单语例句

  1. The Army Aviation Corps was founded in 1986 to carry out air maneuvers and provide support for ground operations.
  2. But he said the Army Aviation Corps remains small and would benefit from more experience.
  3. Liu and regiment commander Zhang said they expect more locally developed equipment will be used in army aviation units in the future.
  4. This year 35 women trainee pilots were recruited and are now studying at the Aviation University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force.
  5. Priority is given to building Army aviation, light mechanized and information countermeasures units.
  6. Zhai enrolled at the People's Liberation Army Air Force Aviation Institute and studied to be a fighter pilot.

army aviation

army aviation


army: 军队,着重指军队这个整体,包括陆海空三军。当与navy和air force并列使用时,则指陆军。如:We will have not only a powerful army but also a powerful air force and a powerful navy.(我们不但要有强大的陆军,而且要有强大的空军和海军。)
force: 军队,部队,着重指武力,常用复数。如:Forces were sent out to stop the conflict.派出武装部队制止这场冲突。
troop: 部队,着重指构成军队的士兵成员,常用复数。如:They sent the troops to the front.他们把军队派往前线。

army: 表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军。
troops: 常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队。
forces: 语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。