argus是什么意思 argus在线中文翻译

Argus 英 [ˈɑ:ɡəs] 美 [ˈɑrɡəs]

Argus 词典解释


Argus 网络解释

  1. 阿耳弋斯
    ...并命令百眼巨人阿耳弋斯(argus)日夜监护着伊俄的行动. 后来西方人就把一种毛堇属科,开花时酷似一只只瞪大眼睛的植物,叫做阿耳弋斯花了. 但是否就是我们所说的开紫花的堇菜,无从证实. 也难怪我们难以结论. 1926年,学问渊博的鲁迅,...
  2. 阿爾戈斯
    ......船者[[阿尔戈斯]](Argus),后来连[[海格力斯|赫拉克勒斯]](Heracles)也加入旅程. 剧作家把[[阿格号]]描写成船坚炮利,而[[......让他的肝脏重新愈合,天天如是. 直至[[赫拉克勒斯]](Heracles)把他从这种无止境的痛苦中拯救出来....
  3. 阿尔古斯
    ...][阿尔古斯 (Argus) 是希腊神话中的百眼巨人. 他奉天后赫拉 (Hera) 之命看守宙斯 (Zeus) 的情人--已变成一条牛的依俄(Jo). 不论何时,他总有50只眼睛睁着. 后来,宙斯派他的儿子──众神的使者──赫儿墨斯(Hermes)用牧笛声使阿尔古斯入睡,...

Argus 双语例句

  1. Ominant groups of large-sized soil animal included Microdrile oligochaetes, Coleoptera and Stylommatophora, ominant groups of middle-small-sized soil animal included Acarina and Collembola, ominant group of wetlands soil animal was Rhabditidia. Ominant species of Vertebrates were Eremias argus, Parus palustris hellmayri, Phylloscopus inornatus inornatus, Emberiza coides weigololi, Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus, Pica pica cenicea, Lanius cristatus lucionensis, Lepus capensis, Citellus dauricus and Eutamias sibiricus.
  2. China's automatic space observatory at Dome Argus, the highest point of the Antarctic ice sheet, has been successfully completed.
  3. Argus. The morphology and distribution of pavement cells, mucous cells and chloride cells on gill epithelia of S. oramin and S. argus had minor difference.
  4. The gills of Rabbitfish Siganus oramin and Butterfish Scatophagus argus were observed by scanning electron microscopy.
  5. The eyes of Argus Juno took and scattered as ornaments on the tail of her peacock, where they remain to this day.
  6. She went to find Argus'head.
  7. This is a quiet place, said Argus.
  8. So it could not have been easy to steal away anything that Argus w
  9. The Aberdeen Argus readers will want to hear of this.
  10. Argus, with all his hundred eyes closed, was fast asleep.
    阿刚 斯的 100 只眼睛都睡着了。
  11. Now we can see Argus'eyes on the beautiful tail of the peacock.
  12. Two of Argus's eyes soon closed.
  13. The Argus II device uses a miniature camera mounted on glasses to transmit images to the back of the eye.
  14. Arguseco is the latest addition to an established family of off-line test tools for replication: the original argus Universal Disc Measurement System offers comprehensive functionality for in-depth process analysis and optimisation, while the argusblu is a special version tailored specifically for blue laser formats HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc.
    arguseco;离线检测族系列产品的一个升级过程:最初的标准argus通用检测检测产品提供功能广泛的深度工艺分析和优化;argusblu是一个特殊的版本是一个具有对HD-DVD和Blu-Ray Disc格式进行检测的系统。Wübbers表示,在新的系统中对这些老的产品的特性有比较全面的继承。
  15. Argus found his watch rather dull, and was glad enough to talk to any one who happened to pass by.
  16. The application of the lock hopper valve to the coal-water slurry pressure gasification equipment was introduced in brief. The application of several imported models of lock hopper valves were summarized and analyzed.
    简述了锁渣阀在水煤浆加压气化装置上的使用工况与工艺要求,分析了芬兰Nel es、德国Per-ri n、美国Argus等进口典型锁渣阀的使用情况。
  17. This research has found the complexity and diversity of villages'spontaneous orders just through only more than twenty villages, so it can be concluded that what needs to be argus-eyed treated mostly is centralize thinking.
  18. We badly need an Argus-eyed janitor.
  19. We should be eagles flying high in the sky, being argus-eyed with the great talent and bold vision to tower into the skies; we should be the ocean gathering all the flows together, bursting out as the ocean shows its power; we should be the earth opening its broad world, scouting widely around for talents of the world; we should be the air being low-key, serving quietly and sustainably year by year.
  20. Why did not the Argus go down with every soul on board her before I came to see this day?

Argus 单语例句

  1. " The economy is in a free fall, " said Richard Yamarone of Argus Research.
  2. Argus said no responsible company or government can ignore nuclear power as part of the range of energy options.
  3. Argus Research on Monday downgraded both Transocean and BP Plc to " hold " from " buy " citing negative impact from the Deepwater Horizon spill.
  4. Argus is retiring after 13 years on the BHP board, including more than 10 years as chairman.

Argus ['ɑ:gәs]

n. 百眼巨人阿耳戈斯
n. (Greek mythology) a giant with 100 eyes; was guardian of the heifer Io and was slain by Hermes
n. large brilliantly patterned East Indian pheasant