argument是什么意思 argument在线中文翻译

argument 英 [ˈɑ:gjumənt] 美 [ˈɑ:rgjumənt]


argument 词典解释


argument 词典例句

  1. He went over line after line of wise argument.
  2. We must settle this by argument not by fighting.
  3. The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.
  4. I accepted his argument that taxation should be increased.
  5. There are many arguments against smoking.

argument 网络解释

  1. 论点
    ...快速搜索所需的特定信息. 先阅读问题,找出问题中的关键词(此关键词应该具有出现频率少的特点),然后带着问题,然后在文章中以此关键此为结点在前后一两句找出答案. 2..没有人相信他说的话,他的论点(argument)十分肤浅....
  2. 自变量
    ...Date()函数中的第二个参数指定了一个timestamp. 这个参数是一个可选(optional)参数. 如果你不指定这个参数,那么将默认使用当前时间. 我们通过给mktime()中的day自变量(argument)加入一个timestamp直接前进到将来的某一天,具体如下:...
  3. 争论
  4. abbr. arg; 自变量

argument 英英释义

  1. a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood
    the methodical process of logical reasoning
    e.g. I can't follow your line of reasoning
    Synonym: argumentation logical argument line of reasoning line
  2. a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value determines the dependent variable
    if f(x)=y, x is the independent variable
  3. (computer science) a reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program
    Synonym: parameter
  4. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie
    e.g. the editor added the argument to the poem
    Synonym: literary argument
  5. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
    e.g. it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true
    Synonym: statement
  6. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal
    e.g. the argument over foreign aid goes on and on
    Synonym: argumentation debate
  7. a contentious speech act
    a dispute where there is strong disagreement
    e.g. they were involved in a violent argument
    Synonym: controversy contention contestation disputation disceptation tilt arguing

argument [ˈɑ:gjumənt]

高考 四级 考研 雅思
n. 论证;论据;争吵;内容提要
n. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
n. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal
n. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie
n. (computer science) a reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program


argument: 指辩论双方均以事实或理由来说服对方的辨论。
controversy: 侧重指深刻的意见分歧,多指对引起广泛兴趣或非常重要的问题的辨论。
dispute: 普通用词,侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩。
debate: 通常指经过仔细组织和计划的个人或团体之间的辩论。
conflict: 指双方坚持已见、互不妥协,怀有敌意的争论,多暗示分歧极为严重,有时用语言无法解决,只得诉诸武力。
strife: 指因不可缓和的矛盾而引起的争吵或斗殴。
quarrel: 普通用词,既可指言词激烈的争吵,也可指温和的言词上的不和。