antioxidant SP是什么意思 antioxidant SP在线中文翻译

antioxidant SP

antioxidant SP 词典解释

形容词[化] 防老剂SP

antioxidant SP 双语例句

  1. Had huge difference. Conclusion: Natural Cordyceps sp. and its fermentation preparations could be used as potential natural antioxidants. The fermented process affected the antioxidant ability of cultured Cordyceps sp., and the antioxidant activity of both natural and cultured Cordyceps sp. did not significantly related with the quantity of phenolics.
  2. The main products are rubber vulcanization accelerator MBT, MBTS, CBS, DCBS, NOBS, TBBS, TMTD, DPG; rubber antioxidant RD, SP, SP-C, SP-W; CTP agent such as anti-Coke.
    主要产品有橡胶硫化促进剂MBT,MBTS,CBS,DCBS,NOBS,TBBS,TMTD,DPG等;橡胶防老剂RD ,SPSP-C,SP-W等;防焦剂CTP等。
  3. Effect of NO on growth and antioxidant enzyme activity of Chlamydomonas sp by UV-B radiation
  4. Isolation and Purification of Exopolysaccharide from the Fermentation Broth of Bacillus sp. and Its Antioxidant Effect

antioxidant SP

[化] 防老剂SP
antioxidant SP