angkor是什么意思 angkor在线中文翻译

Angkor 英 [ˈæŋkɔ:, -kəʊr] 美 [ˈæŋkɔr, -kor]

Angkor 网络解释

  1. 柬埔寨-吳哥窟
    ...所以,My Son遗址与柬埔寨吴哥窟(Angkor)、缅甸的Bagan、泰国的大城(Ayuthaya)、印尼爪哇的婆罗浮屠(Borobudur)等同受印度教影响的东南亚古蹟遗址,建筑艺术形式几乎一样....
  2. 吴哥(窟)
    ...32 吴哥窟(Angkor) 与长城及金字塔等齐名同为世界奇景的吴哥窟,是世界上最大的寺庙,建於一一一三年,费时三十年,当时高棉王朝的文明高过同时代的欧洲....
  3. 柬埔寨 吴哥古迹
    ...3、柬埔寨:吴哥古迹(Angkor)位于暹粒省境内,距首都金边约240公里,是柬埔寨民族的象征,被誉为东方四大奇迹之一. 现存吴哥古迹主要包括吴哥王城(大吴哥)和吴哥窟(小吴哥)....

Angkor 双语例句

  1. It was ten years ago, he and his seven friends went to a tribe near the north of Angkor, where one of his friend met cacique's daughter and fell in love with her.
  2. They were flying to the coastal town of Sihanoukville from Siem Reap, a popular tourist destination for Angkor temples.
  3. Here tourists can appreciate a wide variety of replicas of famous sights, such as the Arc of Triumph, the Eiffel Tower, the Glass Pyramid of Louvre, Versailles Palace and Notre Dame de Paris in France; London`s Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace in Britain; the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum, Venice and St. Mark Square in Italy; the Alcazar Castle in Spain; the Cologne Cathedral in German; the idyllic sight of windmills and tulips of Holland; the Acropolis of Athens in Greece; the wall and clock towers of Kremlim in Russia; the Taj Mahal in India, the Grand Palace in Thailand; the Angkor Wat in Cambodia; Shwedagon Pagota in Burma; the Merlion in Singapore, the pyramids of Giza and the Abu Simbel Temple in Egypt; the Grand Canyon and the Stature of Liberty in the United States, Sydney Opera House in Australia; the Olmec Heads in Mexico; the statues of Easter Island in Chile; the Linear Drawings at Nasca in Peru; and the Great Wall and the Palace Museum in China, etc.
  4. As well as the temple of Angkor Wat, they included more than 50 major buildings
  5. A journalist reports on repair work at the temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
  6. Icon of Khmer civilization, Angkor Wat in Cambodia endures as a revered religious shrine.
  7. Pictured above, a nearly complete sun halo was photographed high above the ancient Bayon temple in Angkor, Cambodia.
  8. The ruins include two important Hindu temple complexes, Angkor Wat(12th century) and Angkor Thom(13th century).
  9. This book had described the natural and artificial beauty of the scenery, history, art and culture of Angkor Wat.
  10. The aerial roots of strangler fig have damaged ancient Mayan temples in Central America and the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
  11. Giant strangler fig tree roots embrace the crumbling Ta Prohm temple at Angkor.
  12. Cambodia has a tragic killing and full name of the initial contact with Cambodia, from the search for the remains of ancient temples and I did not know if we can do Angkor in Cambodia is to now is still a...
  13. The Indian and Chinese influence can still be felt in Cambodia, and the temples of Angkor Wat closely resembles Hindu and Buddhist temples that can be found in Northern India and in Nepal.
  14. Highlights include Angkor Wat, one of the most exotic tourist destinations in the world, and the renowned Mekong River dolphins, which can be found in Cambodia.
  15. Now the Committee is focusing on sustainable development of the Angkor site.
  16. The temples of the Angkor area number over one thousand, ranging in scale from nondescript piles of brick rubble scattered through rice fields to the magnificent Angkor Wat, said to be the world's largest single religious monument.
  17. Phao thai, Thailand's largest nation is that these people live in the north, early have been able to become self-sufficient, but their military forces are quite weak, in the beginning of the thirteenth century, was eventually neighboring Khmer Angkor dynasty, conquered by However, the connection between the invasion of time is not long, phao thai in 1238 fought a war, recaptured from the Khmer city of Sukhothai, and the first in Thai history to build a dynasty capital in Sukhothai.
  18. The history of Angkor Wat dates back to the kingdom of Funan. This kingdom was established by an Indian Brahmin, and in AD200, the country was peacefully settled by Indian traders. Four hundred years later, the kingdom had become a prosperous trading region.
  19. Tap the top of the tower door crown, Though incomplete, but the middle of one, just about two higher than some, still shaped like a mountain, how much to retain the original ratio, and Angkor Wat to see the top three pagoda positive echo.
  20. There are over one thousand temples in the Angkor area including the magnificent Angkor Wat, said to be the world's largest single religious monument.

Angkor 单语例句

  1. " Angkor " means " capital city " or " holy city ".
  2. This is caused by the unrestricted consumption of ground water by Siem Reap's hotels, whose enormous demand is destabilising the earth beneath the Angkor complex.
  3. The patient is currently in " critical condition " in Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap province.
  4. Angkor Wat symbolizes the ancient Angkor empire and has been in my mind since I first read about it in geography textbooks at high school.
  5. We know Angkor as the ruins of a city with grand temples of exemplary architecture in Cambodia.
  6. Now it's a hubbub of colorful themed bars and clubs, from Highlander to Bollywood and Angkor.
  7. Siem Reap is the gateway to the Angkor Wat complex, which features centuries of remains of the Khmer Empire.
  8. The intimacy offered by Angkor the close interaction with its historic stones is a large part of its appeal.
  9. Tomb Raider helped make Angkor Wat in Cambodia a popular destination for tourists.
  10. The most compelling reason to come here is to visit Angkor Wat, one of the world's most spectacular ancient temples.

Angkor ['æŋkɔ:]

n. 吴哥(柬埔寨的古都)