ame是什么意思 ame在线中文翻译


AME 词典解释

形容词[计] 误差平均值

AME 网络解释

  1. ...上海连下了两周的雨(ame)后,终于迎来了晴天,但是温度依旧很低,春寒料峭不比严冬寒冷好多少,一个人蜷缩在寝室,早上看到一点小太阳就兴奋不已,踉踉跄跄的拿出自己用两条被里合成的大被子,一股脑儿的晒在阳台上....
  2. 灵魂
  3. 阿米 德国宝马公司
    ...AMAZONAS 亚马逊 德国阿米公司 | AME 阿米 德国宝马公司 | BMW 宝马 德国克拉默公司...
  4. abbr. amdlevac aeromedical evacuation; 航空医疗后送
  5. abbr. apparent metabolizable energy; 表观代谢能
  6. abbr. the association for moral education; 美国道德教育协会
  7. abbr. advanced manufacturing engineering; 先进制造工艺

AME 双语例句

  1. He's not very reliable, but I like him ju s t the s ame.
  2. Italian cro s s - s titch and Montenegrin s titch are rever s ible, meaning the work look s the s ame on both s ide s.
  3. Thank the fl ame for i ts l i ght, but do not forget the l amphol der standi ng i n the shade wi th constancy of pati ence.
  4. I can`t write my ame.
  5. I think the s ame about the matter.
  6. Don't cry because it ame to an end. Smile because it happened.
  7. I would do the s ame again.
  8. The author's n ame is on the cover of the book.
  9. You've got the s ame s hoe s a s me.
  10. The periphrastic future is about twice as frequent in AmE as in BrE.
    在迂回的未来的两倍左右经常在AmE在BrE 。
  11. Then ame a live auction, which raised even more money for the 619 Fund.
  12. ItS not fair to b1ame me--itS not my fau1t that we 1ost.
  13. This a rt icle attempts to find out their successive features which may be traced to the s ame origin by analyin...
  14. Eventually, in this thesis, the SRSG model, AME and AE models are integrated to be a stochastic rainfall generation model associated with varying time-scale rainfall data. This model can add hourly rainfall data composed of rainstorm characteristics simulated by the SRSG model to modify the quantiles relationship between total daily rainfall and the associated t-hr maximum rainfall. Using the modified quantiles relationship, the AME and AE models can estimate more reliable rainfall DDF relationships of storm durations of interest. Furthermore, the simulated rainfall series by the SRSG model can be applied to risk reliability analysis for the design of hydrosystem infrastructures and water resource planning requiring rainfall DDF relationships.
  15. This method evaluates the performance of a heat pump system and points out how to ame...
  16. The AME award winning campaign was centered around a publicity based event featuring 600 people posing naked on the Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland photographed by U. S.
  17. Soon Shadow and Wednesday will be swe pt up into a conflict as old as humanity itself. For beneath the placid surfac e of everyday life a war is being fought-and the prize is the very soul of Ame rica. As unsettling as it is exhilarating, American Gods is a dark and kaleido scopic journey deep into myth and across an America at once eerily familiar an d utterly alien.
    仅有一些硬币技巧(coin tricks:知道是什么意思但不知道如何翻译)和一种要达到目的的感觉,Shadow 穿越,徘徊,从事物可见的表面底下,挖掘出所有强大的神祗,包括当美国人飘洋过海来到这块土地时带来的以及原本就在这块土地上的。
  18. In AmE, the phrases aside from and apart from are used about equally; in BrE, apart from is far more common.
    AmE ,词组除了除了大约同样使用;在是BRE ,除了更为常见。
  19. I have played with many very good Chinese semi-pro since I c ame to China.
    我曾经和许多优秀的中国半职业玩家进行过星际的切磋,我认为ag和 csa这两个战队中有许多优秀的玩家。
  20. Since I c ame to visit from the country, I have not seen her close. Tell me, is she beau tiful?

AME 单语例句

  1. AME is considered a relative newcomer and to increase the company's profile, it participates in many competitions annually.
  2. AME has developed several hotplate and heating platforms for medical and other professional laboratory uses and will focus on household applications.
  3. Braxton said the AME denominational leadership is interested in where the Obamas will worship, and is developing plans to extend a formal invitation.
  4. AME is marketing its aroma diffuser and has received orders for its product from Italy.


abbr. angle measuring equipment 测角设备; automatic microfiche editor 自动单片缩影胶片编辑器