alternative class是什么意思 alternative class在线中文翻译

alternative class

alternative class 双语例句

  1. SABS can be improved by SAFU for Hyperspectral imageries. The proposed SAFU selects the sets of uncorrelated hyperspectral bands for each different class simultaneously while utilizing the inherent separability of different classes in hyperspectral images to reduce dimensionality and further to effectively generate a unique SAFU feature. The experimental results show that the SAFU approach is effective and can be used as an alternative to the existing feature extraction algorithms.
  2. Lai Ming Yan does interdisciplinary work on issues of alternative modernities, globalization, representations of and for the marginalized, oppositional discourses, and gender in intersectionality with race, ethnicity, class, and nationality.
  3. Alternative thread management and message queueing mechanisms can also be passed to the ACE_Task constructor when an instance of the class is created.
  4. With interest rates at near-record lows, stock markets in the shallows andproperty prices well below what they were two years ago, art is an attractive alternative asset class.
  5. The alternative presented in the Bunch class has the advantage of not rebinding self.
  6. But it would be better to replace such deductions for everyone with targeted credits, abolish the alternative minimum tax (an absurd parallel tax system that ensnares a sizeable chunk of the upper middle class), and implement a broad sales tax.
  7. The Death Knight is intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only.
  8. An alternative to having a pointer member behave exactly like a pointer is to define what is sometimes referred to as a smart pointer class.
  9. Just as placement new is a lower-level alternative to using the allocate member of the allocator class, we can use an explicit call to a destructor as the lower-level alternative to calling destroy.
    正如定位 new 表达式是使用 allocate 类的 construct 成员的低级选择,我们可以使用析构函数的显式调用作为调用 destroy 函数的低级选择。
  10. As an alternative to tar felt, sheet zinc, aluminium or copper is often used in high-class work as a finishing to a reinforced roof slab, but very seldom to timber flat roof construction.
  11. A stub is an alternative implementation of a class where the real methods are replaced with simple canned data.
  12. A screensaver procedures, and use their own definition of the class when CWND alternative based on the dialog box procedure and that the realization of 5, 250 characters effect the implementation process.
  13. A screensaver procedures, and use their own definition of the class when CWND alternative based on the dialog box procedur...
  14. As an alternative, the tag can specify a default cascade style for the entire class, using a default-cascade attribute.
  15. The emergence of art as an alternative asset class in the past few years appears to be gaining momentum with the growth of financial data and indices that track the art market.
  16. The method select () of the Alternative class corresponds to an arbitrary selection strategy.
  17. Bacteria can use alternative sigma factors, which direct the RNA polymerase holoenzyme to a specific class of promoters, to adapt to environmental changes.
  18. Earlier this month, President Obama proposed spending $ 2 billion over the next decade to find an alternative to operating cars and trucks on oil & an idea that has been catnip to the political class.
  19. Phonological process is a mental operation that applies in speech to substitute an alternative class identical but lacking in the difficult property for a class of sounds or sound sequences presenting a common difficulty to individual's speech capacity.
  20. Its main product high-grade fiber Pvc stealth marketing screens at home and abroad, it is Germany with a world-class equipment and high-grade coating weaving line, the product has good ventilation, ventilation, shading performance coating screens are currently alternative products, the products high, uses broad, with anti-corrosion, flame-retardant, anti-ultraviolet, are easy to clean shape, long service life and so on.

alternative class

alternative class


election: 强调目的和达到目的判断能力。
preference: 侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。
choice: 侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。
alternative: 指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。
selection: 指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。
option: 着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。

category: 书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。
sort: 普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。
species: 书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。
classification: 指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。
class: 正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。
type: 指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。
variety: 强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。
kind: 指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。

rank: 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。
degree: 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。
grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。
class: 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。

course: 指在一段时间内教完或学完的完整的课程。
lesson: 主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。
lecture: 指讲课。
class: 从“班级”引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示“(一节)课”。