aeolus是什么意思 aeolus在线中文翻译

Aeolus 英 [ˈi:əuləs] 美 [ˈiələs]

Aeolus 词典解释


Aeolus 网络解释

  1. 风神, 埃俄罗斯
    ...读过希腊神话的人,对风神埃俄罗斯(Aeolus)的名字应该不会陌生. 居住在漂浮小岛上、性子多变的埃俄罗斯把风装在山羊皮袋子里,作为礼物送给奥德修斯. 在风袋帮助下,奥德修斯几乎已经回到家乡,却因为误以为袋中藏有财宝的同伴私下打开袋子,...
  2. 埃奧洛斯
    ...西绪福斯(Sisyphus)是风神埃奥洛斯(Aeolus)的儿子,科林斯城(Corinth)的创建者,该城古代又叫埃菲尔(Ephyra). 有一天,当她正在烧灼得摩丰之时不幸被墨塔涅拉撞见,可怜的母亲无法抑制惊悚之情大声惊叫起来,将仪式打断,致使孩子惨遭不测....

Aeolus 双语例句

  1. Halcyone the daughter of Aeolus was his wife, and devotedly attached to him
  2. Had old Aeolus appeared at this moment, he would have been proclaimed king of the moccoli, and Aquilo the heir-presumptive to the throne.
  3. Three main agents overclocking, cooling, Dr. AEOLUS SONWMAN, Evercool, as well as AD/DC fan.
  4. According to legends from Northern Europe, wind is produced by Aeolus and her four naughty sons.
  5. Of or pertaining to Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds.
  6. North China Pharmaceutical, Sea oil projects, such as Aeolus shares in the near future are a number of companies issuing reduced Price.
  7. Aeolus Tire Co., Ltd, Jiaozuo454003, China
  8. At the same time operating FAW-Volkswagen, Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai, Buick, and Aeolus and other models Product.
  9. All three men named Aeolus appear to be connected genealogically, although the precise relationship is often ambiguous.
  10. The traditions regarding the second and third Aeolus are especially entangled.
  11. Aeolus Tyre said off-road tire shipments to the U. S. made up just 0.6% of its total export value last year.
  12. The picture shows the sulfide production line of Chinese brand—Aeolus Tire Co., Ltd. occupying the largest market share in Europe`s market.
  13. Aeolus Tyre shares ended Shanghai trading Thursday at 13.29 yuan, or 7.4% down from the start of the year.
  14. Liu Jin, an analyst at Haitong Securities, recommends Aeolus Tyre.
  15. The hard disk AEOLUS radiator should be the cheapest one available in the market, the model FS-HD01, the use of a single fan and the plastic air duct design, the design of such a simple and effective for little silver friend.
    这款九州风神的硬盘散热器应该是市面上最便宜的一款了,型号为 FS-HD01,采用了单风扇和塑料风道的设计,这样的设计简单而有效,适合银子不多的朋友。
  16. And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself.
  17. Red Hat has a good reputation with Linux Fedora and JBoss, which might encourage some developers to join the Aeolus project.
  18. Aeolus is an open source project intended to provide solutions for managing packs of virtual machines across various private and public clouds.
  19. The first Aeolus was a son of Hellen and founder of the Aeolian race; the second was a son of Poseidon, who led a colony to the Tyrrhenian Sea; and the third Aeolus was a son of Hippotes who is mentioned in the Odyssey as Keeper of the Winds.
  20. God takes pity on them, let them synthesize a white fruiter, cover aeolus sends to Ruan Jia Si this watch for front small temple.

Aeolus 单语例句

  1. The group is named for the Greek god Aeolus, the keeper of the four winds.
  2. Dongfeng Aeolus was the official vehicle of the NBA China Games 2010 and Thursday's announcement marks an extension of that relationship.
  3. Peak is returning as the official Jam Van partner while Dongfeng Aeolus will be on board for the first time.

Aeolus ['i:әulәs]

n. 风神埃俄罗斯
n. god of the winds in ancient mythology