aeneid是什么意思 aeneid在线中文翻译

Aeneid 英 ['i:nɪd] 美 ['i:nɪd]

Aeneid 词典解释


Aeneid 网络解释

  1. 埃涅伊德
    ...该格言是从维吉尔(Virgil)的叙事诗<<埃涅伊德>>(Aeneid)中来,但是并无任何记录说明为什么选择这个格言. 在埃涅伊德中,这个引证说的是大毒蛇和太阳,而在学校的校徽中,这两样东西都有. 曼彻斯特大学的学生可以享用的大学设施是英国最好的....
  2. 埃涅阿斯纪
    ...他背过维吉尔的(Virgil(埃涅阿斯纪)(Aeneid)尽管他从年轻时起就很少读这本书,但他始终能够说出他那个版本每一真的开头和结尾. 他的记忆既是视觉的,也是听觉的. 他还有惊人的心算能力,不仅能算算术题,也能算比较难的要用到高等代数和微积分的题目....
  3. 伊尼伊德

Aeneid 双语例句

  1. It is neither a translation of Vergil's Aeneid nor a reconstruction of Marlowe-Nashe's The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage.
  2. But the contest to come up with an ideal twenty-first-century English Aeneid is not over.
  3. Religion plays an important role in his work, especially in the Aeneid, an epic poem in twelve book composed in the last eleven years of his life.
    宗教在他的工作中扮演重要角色,尤其在 Virgil 作的叙事诗中,在他的生活的最后十一年方面被组成的十二本书中的一首史诗的诗。
  4. See also: Dante adopted themes from Virgil's Aeneid in his epic poem The Divine Comedy.
  5. Thus the rest of his life, from 30 to 19 BC, Virgil devoted to The Aeneid, the national epic of Rome, and the glory of the Empire.
  6. Latium. It was well understood in Virgil's own time that The Aeneid was in its first half an Odyssey and in its second an Iliad.
    这是很好理解的维吉尔自己的时间,是在其伊尼伊德上半年一支 Odyssey和在其第二次的伊利亚特。
  7. He had instructed his executor Varius to destroy the manuscript of The Aeneid, but Augustus ordered Varius to ignore this request, and the poem was published.
  8. The Latin poet Virgil uses the words avunculus Hector in a solemn heroic passage of the Aeneid Book III, line 343
    古罗马诗人维吉尔在史诗《伊尼特》(第3卷,第343行)一段歌颂英雄事迹的庄严文字里用了avunculus Hector这样的词语
  9. She rattled through a translation from Virgil's Aeneid.
  10. My admiration for the Aeneid is not so great, but it is none the less real.
  11. Aeneid, the first literary epic in the history of European Literature, expresses a kind of literary consciousness.
  12. Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic, the Aeneid.
  13. On the Historical Consciousness and Heroic Outlook of Aeneid
  14. I am hoping to enrich the research of Virgil and the " Aeneid ".
  15. So does Virgil in The Aeneid. The hero tradition is a foremost motif in western poetry and one essential element in the composition of an epic as well.
  16. On Aeneid and Literary Consciousness

Aeneid ['i:niid]

n. 埃涅伊特(古罗马史诗)
n. an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire