Winchester是什么意思 Winchester在线中文翻译

Winchester 英 [ˈwɪntʃɪstə(r)] 美 ['wɪntʃɪstər]

Winchester 词典解释


Winchester 网络解释

  1. 温彻斯特大学
    ...申请 奖学金申请 论坛 17 波尔顿大学 (Bolton) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 18 利物浦约翰摩尔斯 (Liverpool John Moores) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 19 温彻斯特大学 (Winchester) 学校及课程介绍...
  2. 温切斯特
    ...之后开始东行回伦敦, 途中停留索尔兹伯里(Salisbury)看附近的世界遗迹巨石阵(Stonehenge), 温切斯特(Winchester)参观英国最高的教堂, 温莎(Windsor)游览皇室御所温莎堡....

Winchester 双语例句

  1. 1996 Winchester School of Art: BA Degree in Fine Art, Painting. First Class Honours
  2. To prep for his role as reluctant hero Sam Winchester, Padalecki underwent a regimen of kickboxing and jiu-jitsu.
    为了扮演好这位顽强的Sam Winchester,Pada专门接受了一套严格的饮食计划和武术训练。
  3. This was the spot where I was receiving my education; and this was the sort of education; and I am perfectly satisfied that if I had not received such an education, or something very much like it -- that, if I had been brought up a milksop, 3 with a nursery-maid ever- lastingly at my heels, 4 I should have been at this day as great a fool, as inefficient a mortal, 5 as any of those frivolous idiots that are turned out from Winchester and Westminster School, or from any of those dens of dunces called Colleges and Universities.
  4. I think it was by the well-known sinologist Simon Winchester, but I might be wrong.
    我记得是那个著名的-学家Simon Winchester写的,但我也不太确定。
  5. The specific Allied weapons include a Colt.45, an OSS Hi-Standard Silenced pistol, an M1 Garand rifle, a Springfield'03 Sniper rifle, a Thompson submachine gun, a Browning Automatic rifle, a Mark II Frag grenade, a bazooka, a Winchester shotgun, and a.30 caliber mounted machine gun.
    具体盟军武器包括一个曲尺。45 ,是一个开放源码软件的高科技标准鸦雀无声手枪,货币供应M1 garand步枪,斯普林菲尔德 '03狙击枪,汤普森冲锋枪,布朗宁自动步枪,马克二frag手榴弹,火箭筒,温彻斯特猎枪,并。30展开口径机枪。
  6. It happened in the town of Winchester, New York in a small public house.
  7. As to bishops, the archbishops of Canterbury and York, the Bishops of London, Darham and Winchester, and the 21 senior bishops of the Church of England in order of appointment are members of the House of Lords and are known as the Lords Spiritual. All other members are the Lords Temporal.
  8. Then people will not need to go to Winchester or Amherst any more.
  9. Some were old muzzle-loaders, but up to 300 Indians possessed Henry and Winchester repeating rifles capable of firing 17 rounds without reloading.
  10. Winchester bought the design and moved production to their Conneticut factory.
  11. I have served at Cosham, Cowplain, Andover, Winchester, Bittern, Gosport and the Police Emergency contact centre.
    我曾在 Cosham,Cowplain,Andover,Winchester,Bitterne,Gosport 和控制室工作。
  12. During testing in March 1958, rainwater caused the barrels of both the ArmaLite and Winchester rifles to burst, causing the Army to once again press for a larger round, this time at.258 inch (6.55 mm).
  13. Having seen the AR-10 in an earlier demonstration, and impressed by its performance, Wyman personally suggested that ArmaLite enter a weapon for testing using a 5.56 mm cartridge designed by Winchester.
    在见识过之前的AR-10后,基于其优秀的表现,维曼个人建议阿玛莱特发展一种测试用的5.56 mm新武器。
  14. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Winchester cheap.
  15. Man: I want to go to Winchester.
  16. Winchester disk; positioning system; temperature characteristic; simulation
  17. Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things.
  18. Winchester disc: fixed hard disc with extensive backing store capacity.
  19. Study of Flying Characteristics of the Magnetic Head in 5.25 Winchester Disk
  20. Winchester disk drive 8 print out control sheet inventory checking list, and two-ply inventory cards.

Winchester 单语例句

  1. He's standing with one hand resting on a Winchester carbine and a Colt revolver holstered on the other side.

Winchester [ˈwintʃistə]

n. 标准细长玻璃瓶,广口式窄柱形瓶
n. a city in southern England; administrative center of Hampshire
n. a shoulder rifle