Wagga是什么意思 Wagga在线中文翻译


Wagga 双语例句

  1. A project carried out by Rotarians in districts 9680 and 9700 and 5320 is helping to improve life for Wiradjuri women and girls in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, by training them in health and welfare, child care, and other skills.
  2. Homework - compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf!
  3. Wagga Wagga is an inland city in Australia that traces its history back to Australia's first English settlers.
  4. Thank you for the swift reply to my email i will tell you something about myself i live in a City called Wagga Wagga it means place of many crows it is an aboriginal word.
  5. Wagga Wagga has a population of about 55 thousand people its small compared to Chinese standards but big here in Australia.
  6. I have a older brother and sister they live in Sydney and a Mother called Beryl she lives in a retirement home in Wagga i visit her several times a week.
  7. Members of the indigenous group began taking courses in January 2002 at the Cultural and Life Skills Centre in Wagga Wagga, established in part by the project last November.

Wagga 单语例句

  1. Residents from Wagga Wagga were given the all clear to return to their homes and businesses on Wednesday morning.

Wagga [ˈwɔɡə]

n. (亦作 w-)<澳俚>(把麻袋拆开后缝制而成的)麻袋毯子麻袋地毯麻袋床罩