Veterans Day是什么意思 Veterans Day在线中文翻译

Veterans Day 英 [ˈvetərənz, ˈvetrənz] 美 [ˈvɛtərənz, ˈvɛtrənz]

Veterans Day 词典解释


Veterans Day 网络解释

  1. 退伍军人节
    ...三个星期一 3、纪念日 每年5月的最后一个星期一 4、美国独立节 每年的7月4日 5、劳工节 每年9月的第一个星期一 6、感恩节 每年11月的最后一个星期四 7、圣诞节 每年的12月25日 还有 哥伦布纪念日(columbus day) 退伍军人节(veterans day)...
  2. 美国老兵纪念日
    ...在美国老兵纪念日 (veterans' day)的长周末之际,决定了去美国首府,Washington DC 走走. 首先说说修课. 这个学期,修了五门科. 两门化学类的,一门化工类的,一门经济,还有一门半计算机半电脑的分析数学. 网上根朋友说了一下自己修的课程,...
  3. 美国退伍军人纪念日
    ...在美国,退伍军人纪念日(Veterans Day)是所有曾在战争与和平时期在美国武装部队中服役的军人的节日. 而阵亡将士纪念日则是缅怀为国捐躯的将士. 最早在滑铁卢举行的纪念活动主要包括在军人墓前献花,降半旗以及组织退伍军人列队行进....
  4. 退伍军人
    ...Tibetan New Year 藏历新年 | United Nation Day 联合国日 | Veterans Day 退伍军人...

Veterans Day 双语例句

  1. Here's a bit of trivia for you: What was Veterans Day originally called?
  2. If Reid files a cloture motion, the Senate would vote on it on Nov. 13 because the Senate is not in session on Veterans` Day.
  3. Nine years later, congress decided to change the name of the holiday from armistice day to veterans day.
  4. Every Armistice Day until 2007, he attended ceremonies honoring deceased veterans.
  5. John Gebhardt - Our Veterans Day feature: Photograph shows a U. S. soldier comforting an injured Iraqi child.
    约翰gebhardt 我们退伍军人节专题:图为美军士兵安慰一名受伤的伊拉克儿童。
  6. Very good. I've learnt a lot from the veterans; I learn from them every day.
  7. It's Veterans Day, when thousands of people will visit the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.
  8. AN SNOWDEN: Veterans Day is very important, it goes back to generations.
    an Snowden :退伍军人节很重要。它追溯到不同的许多代人。
  9. The local unit of veterans visits the cemetery on Memorial Day.
    当地的 兵们在阵亡将士纪日拜祭公墓。
  10. Jiaming needy family from a young age, their own hard work-study program to complete high school, after the veterans to work in a food-processing plants, a few classes, because of his studious, honest people do not care about, quickly appreciated by the boss, promoted to deputy director, to deal with large and small, plant-plant operations, often so busy that did not have dinner, even at night to sleep in the conference room on the next day and started to plant their lives day and night.
  11. One of the myths of the Lakers, that these days also held Veterans Day, a tribute to the best players in their history.
  12. Remember day, also know as Poppy Day and Armistice Day, is a day to commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World War I and other wars.
  13. A few years later, an organization of Civil War veterans established what became Memorial Day, selecting a date that coincided with the time when flowers were in bloom.
  14. Veterans Day is intended to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military-in wartime or peacetime.
  15. At Veterans Day events across the country, people in the United States gathered today to honor the millions of men and women who have served or are serving in the nation's armed forces.
  16. Families of military veterans celebrated Father's Day in Washington, the special tribute at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 1, 500 red, yellow and white roses were placed along the wall.
  17. Memorial Day ceremonies also are being held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.
  18. Among 4 interviews (including 1 panel lunch with John and Brian) I did the day before yesterday, I think the interview I did with Rajeev at Magma and John at Fortes, two top EDA veterans, were the most impressive two.
  19. For World War II veterans and many others, June 6, 1944, D-Day, will never be forgotten.
  20. November 11th is Veterans Day, when Americans honor those who served in the military.

Veterans Day 单语例句

  1. The president used part of the radio address to mark Veterans Day, saying the elections highlighted freedoms Americans fought for in past wars.
  2. There were no economic reports released Tuesday, since the government and bond markets were closed for Veterans Day.
  3. Trading on Tuesday could be more subdued with the bond market and some banks closed due to Veterans Day.
  4. Bush spoke at Arlington on Memorial Day which sees military veterans visit the city to pay their respects to soldiers lost in conflict.
  5. In the neighboring United States, the day was marked as the Veterans Day.

Veterans Day

n. 退伍军人节(美国纪念阵亡将士的日子,定于 11 月 11 日)
[网络] 退伍军人纪念日;退伍军人日;美国老兵纪念日
Veterans Day


day: 泛指任何一天,或指含有“一昼夜”意义的一天,也可指工作日。可用复数表时代、时期。
date: 指具体的年、月、日,或指年代、时代。

every day: 每天(作状语)。如:She gets up early every day.
everyday: 每日的,日常的(作定语)。如:This morning exercise has become my everyday routine.