Venn diagram是什么意思 Venn diagram在线中文翻译

Venn diagram 英 [ˈven daɪəgræm]

Venn diagram 词典解释


Venn diagram 网络解释

  1. 维恩图
    ...跨不同微阵列平台和物种的全自动探针信息转换功能可以帮助研究人员在维恩图(Venn diagram)中通过简单的拖放功能进行实验结果的比较. 这种无缝转换还允许研究人员能够快速识别那些在内容中存在显著统计学意义的重叠的基因列表....
  2. 文氏图
    ...介绍了涉及集合笛卡儿积(Cartesian product)的运算性质讨论的一种类似于文氏图(Venn diagram)的方法.[著者文摘]...
  3. 范氏图
    ...1881年英国数学家范恩(John Venn, 1834-1923)出版的<<符号逻辑>>(Symbolic Logic)书中,改良了尤拉的原始想法,创造出知名的范氏图(Venn diagram). 范氏图的方法是处理牵涉到命题变数的逻辑论证. 各个命题变数分别以互相重叠的圆来表示,...
  4. ...笔者以范因图 (venn diagram),把影响员工绩效的三大要素:企业对员工的要求 (demand员工的工作态度 (attitudes) 及员工本身的能力 (capability......随着经济全球化的发展,作为国际通用商业语言的审计,自然也应走向国际化....

Venn diagram 双语例句

  1. Make a Venn diagram comparing your environment to the setting in the book.
  2. If you going to draw a Venn diagram you should be able to see the limits of definition defines what belongs to the set and what doesn`t.
  3. Based on the analysis of influencing factors of agriculture development, Newton's theory of space as a guide, and Venn diagram as the display means, Beijing's agricultural development space was explored.
  4. The 4 nucleotides of DNA sequences can be further encoded with two - bit digits in which t he first bit is the base bit to encode purines and pyrimidines and the second bit is the functional group bit to encode the keto group and amino group. According to the degree of degeneracy of genetic codes and the two dimension distribution of molecular weights and isoelectricpoints of amino acids, a set of classification graph(Venn's diagram) of amino acids can be obtained. It is suggested that the amino acids of high degenerate group are mostly small and simple, and constitute the transmembranic structure or the structural domains of protein molecules. So amino acids of high degenerate group might appear in the early evolution stage.
  5. This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue. A Venn's diagram of predicate grue is presented.
  6. Can you find two different things and make a Venn Diagram to compare them?
  7. I will draw a Venn diagram.
  8. How does the Venn Diagram help you understand the characters?
  9. Indeed, if you think of a Venn diagram, and put him in one circle and the worthy agenda of diversity in another, there would seem to be no overlap.
  10. This is really the trick behind the Venn diagram I showed you in my blog post on taking charge of your career.
  11. A. which sentences are in categorical form just as they stand? For those that are, name the form, say what the quantity and quality are, and draw the Venn diagram.
  12. For our final Venn diagram, the United Kingdom is a country situated on the British Isles and is part of the Crown which is controlled by the monarch (y).
  13. The differentially expressed genes were classified using Venn diagram and annotated with gene ontology.
  14. In (1) and (2) some special Boolean equations are solved by means of Venn diagram or deduction, but it is difficult to solve complex Boolean equations by these methods.
  15. Although this new method is very similar to the Venn Diagram, there are still some differences between them. However, the final results are the same.
  16. To Test the Validity of Syllogism by Set Diagram & and also on the Comparison between Set Diagram and Venn Diagram
  17. Then, the identifying method and process of knowledge gaps is studied by using VENN diagram.
  18. A.which sentences are in categorical form just as they stand? For those that are, name the form, say what the quantity and quality are, and draw the Venn diagram.

Venn diagram

n. 文氏图(将集表示为相交的圆,以显示不同集之间的共同性质)
[网络] 维恩图;范氏图;温氏图
Venn diagram


sketch: 指用图、模型或语言描述来表示某一事物的整体情况。
draft: 用作动词时指按准确比例设计或打样;作名词时专指精确的草图或草案。
blueprint: 主要指绘制蓝图或制定纲领或规划。这个词引申用来指详细而具体的行动计划。
diagram: 侧重指用图形、图表等来说明。
outline: 主要给出事物要点或轮廓,强调简化了的整体。
plot: 可与draft和diagram换用,但侧重于表示具体的点、面、部分或目标,从而使相互关系以及和整体的关系得以明确。

picture: 指广义的“图画”,现多用来指相片、画像。
sketch: 通常指只画出物体主要特征的图画。
cartoon: 指幽默或讽刺性漫画。
illustration: 指插入书页之间帮助说明的任何插图或图解。
diagram: 多指科技书籍或文献中具有概括解说作用的图表、图样或略图。
painting: 指着色的画。
portrait: 指肖像,只用于指人。
drawing: 指用线条或色彩绘成的图画。