Turkic是什么意思 Turkic在线中文翻译

Turkic 英 [ˈtə:kik] 美 [ˈtɚkɪk]

Turkic 词典解释


Turkic 网络解释

  1. 土耳其语
    ...Afghanistan 阿富汗 Pashto 普什图语, Dari 达里语(波斯语的一种) 土耳其语(Turkic)以及其他一些部落语言Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚语(分Tosk方言和Gheg方言,其中前者为官方语言) 希腊语(Greek)...
  2. 突厥語
    ...最初这些马被叫做Argamaks,那是一个突厥语(Turkic)的单字,是指高大、精致、有价值的亚洲马. 近代阿克哈-塔克马的培育始于1880年代,俄国并吞土库曼斯坦之后,在土库曼斯坦的首都阿什喀巴德(Ashkhabad)附近,赞助成立第一个正式的阿克哈-塔克马育马场,...
  3. 土耳其语系者
    ...turkey 吐绶鸡 | turkic 土耳其语系者 | turku 土尔库...
  4. 突闕语族
    .... 芬兰-乌戈尔语族 Finno-Ugric | . 突闕语族 Turkic | . 蒙古语族 Mongolian...

Turkic 双语例句

  1. The Turkic language spoken by the Azerbaijani people.
  2. The accused, Huseyin Celil, was born in Xinjiang, China, and belongs to the Uighur racial minority, but declares himself as having been born in East Turkestan, belonging to the East Turkic people, and as a member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement.
    被告玉山江,英文名Huseyin Celil,英文名中译侯赛因塞利尔,生于中国新疆,维吾尔族人。自称生于东突厥斯坦,系突厥族人,为东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动成员。
  3. Shatuo is a Western Turkic Khaganate Office Department of a month, early life in this northern part of Xinjiang, Urumqi, the area around 790 AD, the East moved to Ganzhou, Robinson belongs to Tibetan.
  4. Some used in the past, but to stop using the text, text that is Turkic, Uighur, Chagatai text, the text in Hetian, Yanqi - Qiuzi text, Su Li Wen, Basiba word Khitan characters Khitan Small, Tangut, Nuzhen text, pictures Dongba text, picture text Sabah, Dongba pictograph, Geba text of the water, Manchu and 17 languages.
  5. Their language is also a Turkic language spoken by the Tungus mixture.
  6. Certainly, as Wu argues, education standards have increased, as have literacy levels -- but critics say it is literacy in Mandarin Chinese, rather than the Turkic-based Uighur language that is on the rise.
  7. The 12th century, Mahmoud successor to be another profile to the Seoul-based replaced by Turkic dynasty, profile Dole also in Afghanistan.
  8. The Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman people.
  9. In the concrete, the modern Western Yugur contains quite amount of the isogenous words of the ancient Turkic including some rare archaism of modern Turkic.
  10. Chen Sui out, the Royal seal of Xiao Chen Queen Mother was taken to the Turkic until four years Zhenguan Tang (AD 630) to the Tang Dynasty Royal seal.
  11. Apart from 14, 000 paper scrolls and fragments from this cave at Dunhuang, the British Library Stein collection includes several thousand woodslips and woodslip fragments with Chinese writing, thousands of Tibetan and Tangut manu script s, Prakrit wooden tablets in Brahmi and Kharosthi script s, along with document s in Khotanese, Uighur, Sogdian and Eastern Turkic.
  12. In many references, Azerbaijanis are designated as a Turkic people, due to their Turkic language.
    起源 很多,参考文献中都把阿塞拜疆人定义为突厥民族的一支,理由是他们说突厥语。
  13. Geely Turkic Khan's birthday is approaching, Empress Wu of the right-hand man to send Di Gong Li Yuanfang and those who have formed a mission to go to Thailand Turks birthday, and Geely to prepare the most exquisite birthday presents - gold and silver by the Korean masters, Dian Province will be Daikan hand-made Persian Chaar Khan, this all-gold silver plate to create, nearly three feet in diameter, material terms alone, had already spent huge million, including organic loading plate at the end of the trigger, the inserts in the disk of the Central The two silver peach will slowly open, one covered with gold agate gem tree, rising from the tray.
  14. A member of a traditionally nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.
  15. China suffers its worst outbreak of ethnic violence in more than 30 years when members of the Turkic-Muslim Uighur minority go on the rampage in the far-western city of Urumqi.
  16. Kala Khan dynasty is at the Five Dynasties (9 century AD), speaks with the Turkic-speaking part of the ethnic Uighur Movement in the Tarim Basin to the west of the Central Asian region to establish a local government, in existence for over 300 years.
  17. The Han dominate Chinese society, but the Uygurs (pronounced WEE-gurs), a Turkic-speaking Central Asian people, claim this western borderland as their ancestral home.
  18. Similarly, in Afghanistan (along with other non-Turkic Muslim countries) he is generally viewed unfavorably though some groups display ambivalency as it is believed that the Hazara of Afghanistan are descendants of a large Mongol garrison stationed therein.
    类似的,在阿富汗(同样在非土耳其的穆斯林国家),尽管一些群体因为相信阿富汗的哈扎拉人是以前驻扎在哪里的蒙古守卫军的后代,因此而对成吉思汗的态度犹豫不绝,但是成吉思汗通常被认为是不让人喜爱的 [5],[6]。
  19. But now the governorship of the Khwarezm, which belonged to the Seljuks, fell into the hands of Anūsh Tigin Gharchāī, a former Turkic slave of the Seljuk Sultan.
  20. A member of a Turkic people living near Lake Aral in central Asia.

Turkic 单语例句

  1. Recent weeks also have brought increased violence in the northern city of Kirkuk, where Sunni Arab and ethnic Turkic communities fear domination by ethnic Kurds.
  2. The Khazars were a Turkic tribe that roamed the steppes from Northern China to the Black Sea.

Turkic ['tә:kik]

n. 突厥语(即土耳其语);突厥语系者
adj. 突厥语的;突厥民族的
a. of or relating to the people who speak the Turkic language