Tiresias是什么意思 Tiresias在线中文翻译

Tiresias 英 [taiəˈri:siæs] 美 [taɪˈrisiəs]

Tiresias 网络解释

  1. 提瑞西阿斯
  2. 忒瑞西阿斯
    ...忒瑞西阿斯(Tiresias):忒拜先知,认识不清,听说因无意中窥见雅典娜出浴而被判失去视力. 阿喀琉斯(Achilles):珀琉斯以及海中女神忒提丝之子,满身刀枪不入,唯一的弱点是脚踝;特洛亚战争中的希腊最巨大英雄. 阿德剌斯托斯(Adrastus):阿耳戈斯王;...
  3. 提瑞西阿斯 偷看Athena洗澡而致双目失明
    ...Actaeon 阿卡同 偷看Artemis洗澡被变成鹿 | Tiresias 提瑞西阿斯 偷看Athena洗澡而致双目失明 | Arachne 阿拉克尼 与Athena竞赛织绣获胜,被化为蜘蛛...

Tiresias 双语例句

  1. When the infant Heracles caught Hera''s two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child''s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy.
  2. When the infant Heracles caught Hera's two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child's fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy.
  3. As in Antigone, the entrance of Tiresias signals a crucial turning point in the plot.
  4. Narcissus, son of Cephissus and Liriope, was born with an odd prophesy from Tiresias that He can never see himself if he is to gain longevity.
  5. In addition to this unspoken irony, the conversation between Tiresias and Oedipus is filled with references to sight and eyes.
  6. Provoked by the anger and insults of Oedipus, Tiresias begins to hint at his knowledge.
  7. Oedipus accuses Creon of trying to overthrow him, since it was he who recommended that Tiresias come.
  8. I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs
  9. Tiresias is blind but can see the truth; Oedipus has his sight but cannot.
  10. Tiresias answers only in riddles, saying that the murderer of Laius will turn out to be both brother and father to his children, both son and husband to his mother.
  11. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer.
  12. And the third chapter examines the two pillars for the construction order in the social world religion and tradition through the archetype: Tiresias.

Tiresias [taiә'ri:siæs]

n. [希神]提瑞西阿斯(古希腊城邦 Thebes 的一位盲人先知)
n (Greek mythology) the blind prophet of Thebes who revealed to Oedipus that Oedipus had murdered his father and married his mother