Taranto是什么意思 Taranto在线中文翻译

Taranto 英 [təˈræntəu] 美 [ˈtɑrənˌto, təˈrɑnto, ˈtɑrɑnˌtɔ]

Taranto 网络解释

  1. 塔兰托
    ......军目前的旗舰. 加里波底号是以[[塔兰托]](Taranto)作为母港,舰名起源于意大利名将,[[朱塞佩.加里波第]]....
  2. 塔兰托 意大利
    ...Tangier 丹吉尔(摩洛哥) | Taranto 塔兰托(意大利) | Tatus 塔尔图斯(叙利亚)...
  3. 堪兰托
    ...Southampton 南安普顿 | Taranto 堪兰托 | Teesport 提兹港...
  4. 塔蘭托 義大利
    ...Tangier 丹吉爾(摩洛哥) | Taranto 塔蘭托(義大利) | Tatus 塔爾圖斯(敍利亞)...

Taranto 双语例句

  1. We also start to build Radar Stations. One in Rhodes to start monitoring the Eastern Mediterranean and one Taranto to do the same in the Central Mediterranean.
  2. In these two slides, you can observe how travelling from the ports of Dalian, or Hong Kong (or from those of Yantian and Shanghai), to the two north European hubs of Antwerpen and Hamburg, takes a longer time and has slightly more expensive rents compared to the those of hubs of Gioia Tauro e Taranto.
  3. I've also read about the interest of Taranto, but still I have not had contact in that respect.
  4. The map went on public display for the first time this week in the Archaeological National Museum of Taranto.
  5. The ship was built in 1909 at Taranto for the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Navy and christened KuK Basilisk.
    该船于1909年在塔兰托为奥匈帝国海军建造,被命名为KuK Basilisk。
  6. A city of extreme southeast Italy east of Taranto.
  7. Grains from Lombardy and Campania are also mentioned as is honey from Sicily and Taranto.
  8. About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay, occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy.
  9. In order to understand why the energy consumption of per ton steel in Italy Iron & Steel Industry having the advanced level in the world, the energy consumption situation of Taranto has been analysed and introduced in this paper.
  10. Bohemond of Taranto and his bodyguard.
  11. Analysis of energy consumption of Taranto of Italy

Taranto 单语例句

  1. Unearthed from an athlete's tomb in Taranto of Italy, they show the glory of sports and ancient Athens.
  2. A game in Italy's third tier at Taranto was also suspended because of fan violence, media reported.
  3. The shipment was seized at the Italian port of Taranto in 2003, forcing Libya to admit and eventually renounce its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

Taranto [tә'ræntәu]

塔兰托[意大利东南部港市], 塔兰托湾(靠意大利半岛东南岸)