Synge是什么意思 Synge在线中文翻译

Synge 英 [siŋ] 美 [sɪŋ]

Synge 双语例句

  1. Subwave length-resolution optical image recording is demonstrated by moving an extremely narrow aperture along a test object equipped with fine-line structures.
    H。Synge 提出了近场成像的概念设计,并在1984 年由Phol 在光学频段予以实现,获得λ/20 的超衍射极限分辨率。
  2. Only aging theatre people and professional historians of nineteenth-century theatre would remember this Irish demiurge, except, that is, for a few dramatists canny enough to realize he was a master from whom they could learn: writers such as Wilde, Shaw, Synge and O'Casey.
    只有那些上了年纪的老行尊以及对十九世纪戏剧界了若指掌的史学家会记得这位为爱尔兰戏剧开创时代的风云人物;当然还有为数不多的例外,那就是某些从事戏剧创作的,例如王尔德、萧伯纳、沁孤、欧凯西( Sean O'Casey )等,这些作家也总算见多识广,能够意识到他是一位值得学习的大师级人物。
  3. The derivation of Synge [2] for the finite rotation formula in terms of Euler parameter is put into tensor form. Hence a further clarification of the geometric meaning of the orthogonal transformation obtained in the author's paper [7] is made.
  4. The legitimate drama [theater] Imitation, Parody and Truth & on John Synge's playwright
  5. The future looked black; prospects were bleak; life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult-j. m. synge; took a dim view of things.
  6. " Greatest since Rembrandt, " according to John Synge;
  7. Synge; took a dim view of things.
  8. Imitation, Parody and Truth & on John Synge's playwright
  9. Synge had come to the Arans to overcome his writer's block, to connect with the people and find fresh material.
  10. Synge has an unusual view of the world. He has produced his own aesthetic.
  11. The legitimate drama [ theater ] Imitation, Parody and Truth & on John Synge's playwright

Synge [siŋ]

辛格(①姓氏 ②Richard Laurence Millington, 1914-, 英国生物化学家, 曾获1952年诺贝尔化学奖)
n Irish poet and playwright whose plays are based on rural Irish life (1871-1909)