Sylvian fissure是什么意思 Sylvian fissure在线中文翻译

Sylvian fissure

Sylvian fissure 词典解释


Sylvian fissure 网络解释

  1. 塞尔维氏裂
    ...软脑膜 pia matter | 塞尔维氏裂 Sylvian fissure | 三级投射区 tertiary projection area...
  2. 大脑侧裂
    ...大脑镰 falx cerebri | 大脑侧裂Sylvian fissure | 大脑萎缩cerebral atrophy...

Sylvian fissure 双语例句

  1. The artery most often implicated is the left middle cerebral artery, which runs along the sylvian fissure and sends out branches through the entire lateral face of the hemisphere, as shown in Fig.
  2. Methods Twenty consecutive patients with hypertensive intracerebral puta-men hemorrhage were treated by making a incision on sclap long about 6 cm across sylvian fissure, making a small bone flap about 3 cm ×3 cm, After opening dual, we injected water under microscopic control by a handheld syringe...
  3. Imaging finding consists of a vertically oriented sylvian fissure continuous with the central/postcentral sulcus associated with variable extension of perisylvian polymicrogyric cortex.
  4. A craniotomy with the size of 4 cm × 5 cm was placed at the site which corresponds to the sylvian fissure, the circular sulcus was exposed allowing transcortial exposure of the entire ventricular system, thus achieving the functional hemispherectomy.
    手术均采用侧裂表面4 cm × 5 cm骨窗开颅,分开侧裂后经皮质进入侧脑室,完成功能性大脑半球切除手术。
  5. Results The available anatomical spaces through the temporal keyhole approach included the sylvian fissure, the prechiasmatic cistern, the optico-carotid triangle, the carotido-tentorial triangle and the space in the terminal lamina.
  6. Conclusions It is should be noted that the SAH after head trauma, especially in the basal cistern or Sylvian fissure, is probably produced by the rupture of intracranial aneurism.
  7. The union of the inferior ends of the precentral and the postcentral gyri to form the subcentral gyrus which separated the central sulcus from the sylvian fissure;
  8. Brain computed tomography revealed a huge chronic subdural hematoma over the left frontoparietal lobe, with an incidental finding of an arachnoid cyst over the left sylvian fissure.
  9. Objective To study the efficacy of microneurosurgery on tumor in the sylvian fissure insula area.
  10. In this slice, the lesion extends from near the occipital pole to the Sylvian fissure, conforming to the territory of the posterior branch of the middle cerebral artery.
  11. The low density areas occurred in the temporoparietal lobe near sylvian fissure in middle cerebral artery territory.
  12. Report of 16 cases with intractable subdural effusion treated by opening of the sylvian fissure
  13. After the sylvian fissure was opened, the proximal M 2 was seperated and its outer diameter was measured.
  14. Methods A review was done on 36 cases with sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident, in which early improvement of respiration and management of combined injuries were performed according to injury severity and pathogenesis.
  15. Objective To analyze the relationship of pathogenesis and early management with prognosis of sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident.
  16. Conclusions Early synthetic treatment, prompt decompression with standard big bone flap, paying attention to sylvian fissure contusion in the midline area, dynamic observation of injury and effective treatment can improve prognosis and reduce mortality rate.
  17. The dura mater was opened in a standard fashion (C-shaped incision based anteriorly), and the sylvian fissure was widely split distally to proximally.
  18. Early treatment of sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident
  19. Microneurosurgery on tumor in the Sylvian fissure Insula area
  20. Results: Seven important anatomic signs on sagittal imagings were as follows: 1. The five major rami of the sylvian fissure;

Sylvian fissure

[网络] 大脑外侧裂;侧裂池;塞尔维氏裂
Sylvian fissure