Sulawesi是什么意思 Sulawesi在线中文翻译

Sulawesi 英 [ˌsu:ləˈweisi] 美 [ˌsulɑˈwesi]

Sulawesi 网络解释

  1. 苏拉威西
    ...(法新社雅加达28日电)印尼地球物理局表示,苏拉威西(Sulawesi)今天发生规模6.9的强烈地震. (新加坡)农粮与兽医局(AVA)进行例行检查时验出南福隆贸易公司制造的两款酒类产品含过量甲醇(Methanol),因此下令全面回收及禁售....
  2. 苏拉维西岛
    ...叶色多变化,依水质及光环境不同,会有差异明显的显色,可能是翠绿、灰绿、粉红带绿或褐色等,相当有趣. 在自然界可成群生长於河流中,但在水族缸栽培,想顺利育成多少有些困难. 产地:印尼-苏拉维西岛(Sulawesi) 的Matano湖中...
  3. 苏拉威西-选自近代卷
    ...Sukarno 苏加诺-选自现代卷 | Sulawesi 苏拉威西-选自近代卷 | Suleiman 苏里曼 -选自中世纪卷...
  4. 苏拉威西(岛),在印尼
    ...吸引流产 suction abortion | 苏拉威西(岛),在印尼 Sulawesi | 环硫铂[第二代铂络合物],环己二胺硫酸铂 sulfatodiamino cyctohexane platinum...

Sulawesi 双语例句

  1. He was born in Ujung Pandang, a city in South of Sulawesi which in the past known as Makassar Harbour, in year 1948. He entered Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, in 1970. Before he was graduated in 1975, he studied esthetics under noted philosopher, Dick Hartoko OSJ in the city of Yogyakarta, between 1974-1975. At the same time, followed informal study on esthetics at Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Literature, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
    于1948年出生于苏拉威西岛南部曾以马卡萨海峡海港而驰名的城市乌戎潘当。1970年就读万隆工艺学院中的艺术设计系,毕业前曾于于1974到1975年间跟随著名哲学家Dick Hartoko OSL在日惹学习美学,同时在日惹的加查马达大学的哲学系和文学系中接受非正式的美学教育。
  2. This brilliant purple sea star was photographed in the waters off Sulawesi, Indonesia.
  3. The case against the men has heightened tensions in the world's most populous Muslim nation and raised questions about the role religion played in punishing those allegedly behind the violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1, 000 people of both religions.
  4. The case against the men has heightened tensions in the world's most populous Muslim nation and raised questions about the role religion played in punishing those allege dly behind the violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1, 000 people of both religions.
  5. The case against the men has heightened tensions in the worlds most populous Muslim nation and raised questions about the role religion played in punishing those allegedly behind the violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1, 000 people of both religions.
  6. The case agai t the men has heightened te io in the world's most populous Muslim nation and raised questio about the role religion played in punishing those allegedly behind the violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1, 000 people of both religio.
  7. Atta Radjasa said a distress signal had been picked up over central Sulawesi and that emergency crews were on their way to search for survivors.
  8. An Indonesian policeman and rescuers carried the body of a passenger of a ferry that sank off Sulawesi island.
    y印度尼西亚,Sulawesi 岛:一名印尼警察和救援者们正抬着一位沉船乘客的尸体。
  9. To add richness and body to a blend, Asian Pacific coffees such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, East Timor, New Guinea and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe are used.
  10. Hatta Radjasa said a distress signal had been picked up over central Sulawesi and that emergency crews were on their way to search for survivors.
  11. On a misty mountaintop on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, scientists for the first time in more than eight decades have observed a living pygmy tarsier, one of the planet's smallest and rarest primates.
  12. Military and civilian search teams continued to scour the coast off the northern island of Sulawesi.
  13. This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.
  14. On Sulawesi, maleo birds incubate their huge eggs in hot volcanic sand and the female red-knobbed hornbill, also castaway on the island, walls herself up in a tree hole for 3 months to protect herself and her chick from harm.
  15. Authorities said thousands of houses were damaged and at least one school collapsed in rural towns in central Sulawesi.
  16. As of 2000, there was one speaker remaining in Sulawesi.
  17. Evidence of wild rice on the island of Sulawesi dates from 3000 BCE.
    证据的野生稻的苏拉威西岛追溯到公元前3000 。
  18. In Sulawesi and several other eastern regions, Christian and Muslim populations are roughly equal.
  19. He is a black face Stump-tailed monkey, living in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.
  20. Over a two-month period, scientists working in Lore Lindu National Park on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi caught and released three pygmy tarsiers.
    在两个月内,工作於於印尼 Sulawesi 岛内的 Lore Lindu 国家公园的科学家,抓到且释放了,三只侏儒眼镜猴。

Sulawesi 单语例句

  1. The plane lost contact with the ground on Monday about an hour before it was due to land in Manado in North Sulawesi.
  2. Floods were reported in numerous locations elsewhere on Java, as well as on Sumatra and Sulawesi islands.
  3. Frightened Sulawesi residents refused to return indoors long after a local alert was lifted, many sleeping in the hills.
  4. The bomb went off in a slaughterhouse that also sold meat directly to the public in the town of Palu on Sulawesi island.
  5. The ship was on route from Parepare town of South Sulawesi province to Samarinda city of East Kalimantan province.
  6. The proposed area for patrols forms a rough circle around the Sulawesi Sea.
  7. He said police were holding two suspects for a bomb in Manado on Sulawesi island, which went off before the Bali blasts and did not cause any casualties.
  8. Bomb attacks last May in the Central Sulawesi town of Tentena killed 22 people.
  9. An Indonesian air force official said aircraft were searching mountainous areas between the Sulawesi coastal town of Majene and Toraja.
  10. The small wooden ship sank on Thursday night just before reaching the town of Baubau, in southeastern Sulawesi.

Sulawesi [,su:lә'weisi]

n a mountainous island in eastern Indonesia