Stefansson是什么意思 Stefansson在线中文翻译


Stefansson 双语例句

  1. On the rough sea ice you may on an unshadowed day...fall over a chunk of ice that is kneehigh- Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
  2. The Icelandic nation is not inbred, Stefansson said. This app is interesting. It makes the data much more available.

Stefansson 单语例句

  1. " These are fairly common variants, " deCODE chairman and senior investigator Kari Stefansson told Reuters Health.
  2. " Our research shows that there is a genetic predisposition to become addicted to nicotine, " Stefansson said.
  3. Stefansson nonetheless believes the company has a product to sell, based on its unique genetic science.

Stefansson ['stefәnsn]

斯蒂芬森(①姓氏 ② Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962 美国北极探险家)