Socotra是什么意思 Socotra在线中文翻译

Socotra 英 [səuˈkəutrə,ˈsɔkə-] 美 [səˈkotrə]

Socotra 双语例句

  1. The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.
  2. The other worldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.
  3. The other worldly Dragons Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.
  4. Since Yemen`s government tarmacked an old British air force strip in 1999, jets land on Socotra, bringing a daily handful of tourists, environmental do-gooders and bales of qat.
  5. However, only a small remnant of those languages exists in modern Yemen, notably on the island of Socotra and in the back hills of the Hadhramaut coastal region.

Socotra 单语例句

  1. It was seized on Nov 25 as it carried 507 tons of steel from Yemen's Mukalla port to Socotra Island.

Socotra [sәj'kәjtrә, 'sɔkә-]
