Singapore是什么意思 Singapore在线中文翻译

Singapore 英 [ˌsɪŋgə'pɔ:] 美 [ˌsɪŋgə'pɔ:]

Singapore 词典解释


Singapore 网络解释

  1. 新加坡
  2. 新加坡[新加坡] 新加坡(Singapore) 一个融合了多元种族和多元文化的大熔炉 一个传统与现代达到完美结合的典范 一个缅怀过去憧憬未来的大都市 世界的十字路口:新加坡 新加坡是一个热带岛国,由一个本岛和63个小岛组成....
  3. 新加坡 Singapore 新加坡的旅游城市 | 新加坡(Singapore) 新加坡(Singapore)介绍 首都:新加坡 人口:3531600(1999年7月) 位置:东南亚,位于印度尼西亚与马来西亚之间 国庆日:8月9日 面积:637.5平方公里 气候: 炎热、潮湿、多雨湿,多雨,...

Singapore 双语例句

  1. Why be the United States, England, the place that includes Singapore to wait inside even is done well electronic government affairs, can you be in China go out of form of a few places, degenerative?
  2. Trainees are required to provide one single way ticket to Singapore.
  3. The Chinese premier is visiting Singapore at the invitation of Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong.
  4. Singapore: Mediacorp Radio 938Live on 6150 kHz in English, Oli 96.8 on 7170 kHz in Tamil.
    新加坡:新传媒广播用英语在6150 kHz 广播的最爱938,用泰米尔语在7170 kHz广播的奥尼968。
  5. Then Ms Lo's posthumous adulation by the Singapore press was at its most feverish, and many people in Singapore were caught up with the untimely death of this young and attractive lawyer.
  6. Roundtrip economy class ticket from Hong Kong to Sydney, London or Paris via Singapore by Singapore Airlines inclusive of Hong Kong airport
  7. Asian countries like Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Myamnar and Thailand express the willingness to work with India to rebuild the international university.
  8. Since independence, the people in Singapore have been suffering from political indifference.
  9. We are a licensed Real Estate Agency and one of the fastest growing housing agency in Singapore.
  10. OCBC Bank, established in 1912, is the first local bank in Singapore.
  11. OCBC Bank's key markets are Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Greater China.
  12. The current offer also more affordable, such as Universal Studios 6, small group tour price is only 3999 yuan, including a half day tour of Singapore, Universal Studios tour tickets and lunch one day.
  13. The Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel, looks down on the vast expanse of building site.
  14. Beijing is already planning a giant ferris wheel, higher than both the London Eye and the Singapore Flyer.
  15. Judging by height, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world right now is the Singapore Flyer in Singapore at 165 meters tall.
  16. Now cities are building moneymaking landmarks like the Singapore Flyer.
  17. Members of the Singapore Night Flyer Kite Club meet here to enjoy the unique aircraft, which were invented in 2000 by native Michael Lim.
  18. Why has the committee decided to hold the feast at the F1 race track near the Singapore Flyer?
  19. FP has free tickets to the Singapore Flyer!
  20. In Asia, Singapore's stimulus package gives incentives to companies to hire local labour and the United Arab Emirates'labour ministry has issued rules making it all but impossible to layoff Emirati staff.

Singapore 单语例句

  1. With English as the language of business in Singapore and the world, it has a predominant role at NUS.
  2. The bust comes after authorities received a tipoff that an international drug syndicate would be using Singapore as a transit point.
  3. It also doubled its assets in Asia outside Japan and Singapore to S $ 44 billion, buying shares in two of China's three biggest banks.
  4. Cai said the operation and debt ratio of China Eastern Airlines will be substantially enhanced by Singapore Airlines buying a stake in the carrier.
  5. The palatial space was decorated top to bottom by a Singapore design crew, and there is a stately silence about the whole place.
  6. The court heard that when Wang arrived in Singapore by plane in August 2006, she felt extremely weak.
  7. Connected to the main Singapore island by road and rail, the resort is located in Sentosa Island.
  8. China should try to adopt Singapore standards in eradicating corruption by building the rule of law although this cannot be achieved overnight.
  9. The souvenirs include stamps by Singapore Post and commemorative coins issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
  10. Singapore's gross domestic product is forecast by the government to grow between 3 percent and 5 percent this year.

Singapore [ˌsɪŋgə'pɔ:]

n. 新加坡
n. the capital of Singapore; one of the world's biggest ports
n. a country in southeastern Asia on the island of Singapore; achieved independence from Malaysia in 1965
n. an island to the south of the Malay Peninsula