Sevres是什么意思 Sevres在线中文翻译


Sevres 网络解释

  1. 塞夫勒
    ...除了弗朗索瓦一世长廊和舞厅外,宫殿中还有多条著名的走廊,例如镶嵌128只塞夫勒(Sevres)细瓷画碟的碟廊(Plate Gallery),有25幅描述法国历史壁画的狄安娜长廊(Diane Gallery).....宫殿内三一教堂是在16世纪建造的,...
  2. 塞夫勒 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯
    ...Seville 塞维尔 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△... | Sevres 塞夫勒 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Seward Peninsula 西沃德半岛 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???......

Sevres 双语例句

  1. Both Curies were expected to share their knowledge and teach classes: he at the Sorbonne, and her at Sevres.
  2. The standard for the kilogram is a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Standards in Sevres, France.
  3. Generally used to describe white wines only, especially those of Muscadet de Sevres et Maine from the Loire region of France.
  4. Traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299, 792, 458 of a second. TheInternational Bureau of Weights and Standards in Sevres, France.
  5. He gave a lady of his court, who had bored him often with her praise of Franklin, a Sevres porcelain chamber pot with Franklin's cameo embossed inside.
  6. Marie Curie was the first female professor at Sevres, a college for girls who wanted to teach higher education. These twenty-year-olds would eventually become professors.
  7. The tax system sevres the State which through the form of taxation to raise funds for the whole community to provide Public goods and to compensate for market failures, sevring the public interest, with the objective of enhancing socia lwelfare:accounting system sevres the public, and it saccounting information users are multi- directional including owners, operators, employees and other external users.
  8. For them, nothing exists two leagues beyond the barriers: Ivry, Gentilly, Arcueil, Belleville, Aubervilliers, Menilmontant, Choisy-le-Roi, Billancourt, Mendon, Issy, Vanvre, Sevres, Puteaux, Neuilly, Gennevilliers, Colombes, Romainville, Chatou, Asnieres, Bougival, Nanterre, Enghien, Noisy-le-Sec, Nogent, Gournay, Drancy, Gonesse; the universe ends there.
  9. The du Lac Sevres and the Trevenna George II plate were out;
  10. The war of liberation began in protest to the Mondros Armistice and the Treaty of Sevres, under the command of Mustafa Kemal Pasha.

Sevres 单语例句

  1. The most valuable piece is likely a large Sevres vase, a gift from France following Sydney's hosting of an international exhibition in 1879.
  2. Of all the world's kilograms, only the one in Sevres really counts.

Sevres [ˈseivr]
