Sarah是什么意思 Sarah在线中文翻译


Sarah 词典解释


Sarah 网络解释

  1. 撒拉
    ...另外,撒拉(Sarah)将其婢女夏甲(Hagar)给亚伯拉罕为外家(创一六1~4),似乎也很奇怪,但努斯文件却提到这种习俗,在当时是很平常的. 这些文件也指出,假如婢女因此生了一个儿子,则婢女和其儿子均不被赶出家门,当撒拉要求亚伯拉罕赶逐夏甲和以实玛利时,...
  2. 赛拉
    ...(法新社以色列耶路撒冷16日电) 特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)海滩发生骇人听闻杀人案,震惊以色列. 1名59岁父亲遭年轻醉汉残酷杀害,他的妻子和1名女儿也遭攻击. 59岁的卡普(Aryeh Karp)是相关事件最新亡魂. 前天晚间,他跟妻子赛拉(Sarah)、24岁的女儿希(Hila),14日晚在海摊上碰到1群踉跄的恶棍,其中1人说了粗话....

Sarah 双语例句

  1. And to Sarah he said, I have now given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is now your vindication before all who are with you. And in every respect you have been cleared.
    20:16 又对撒拉说,我给你哥哥一千锭银子,作为你在全家人面前遮羞的,你就在各方面没有不是了。
  2. Bassoon is often regarded as the clown of the orchestra, and bassoonist Sarah Abraham would certainly agree.
  3. It's a lovely song named Just one last dance by Sarah Connor.
    这一首名为 Just one last dance的分手情歌,来自莎拉。
  4. I am currently running a decryption program on the hard drives retrieved by Sarah Connor and Derek Reese from Arkana Industries. I should have the information shortly.
    我也正在解码Sarah Connor 和Derek Reese 从 Arkana Industries带回来的那个硬盘,很快就会有结果。
  5. The 21st century beginnings, age 23 year-old Germany female student Sarah Connor, by delightful, the energetic rhythm blue accent sings the strength to start to conquer the European musical world Grandfather's Niu Australia good blood relationship lets her in the childhood time namely deeply the blue accent soul happy Xun ceramic, when 14 years old starts to hold the post in the church choir sings, and sings the musical in the school, 15, 16 years old then try to sing the belt to send out a scout to see if anybody is about to each big music trade mark.
    21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛祖父的纽澳良血缘让她在幼年时期即深受蓝调灵魂乐的薰陶,14岁时开始在教堂唱诗班担任演唱,并在学校演唱音乐剧,15、16岁便以试唱带向各大音乐厂牌投石问路。
  6. Where did Borden and Sarah firstly meet?
  7. How did God keep His promise of a male heir to Abraham and Sarah?
  8. In the 200 metres, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third respectively.
    在200 米赛跑中,利兹和莎拉分别获第一和第三名。
  9. Sarah: These days all you see in movies are the young up-and-comers.
  10. Following on from the Davos dinner in January, when 40 important and influential women (OK, 39 and me) met to discuss Millennium Development Goal 5, a ladies` lunch was held in London in March by Sarah Brown and Carla Bruni.
    继此之后,Sarah Brown 和 Carla Bruni 3月又在伦敦招待举行了一次女性午餐会。
  11. It is a summary of a full report, co-authored by Jingjing Qian, George Peridas, Jason Chen and Yueming Qiu, Julio Friedmann, Xiaochun Li, Ning Wei, S Ming Sung, Mike Fowler, Deborah Seligsohn, Yue Liu, Sarah Forbes, Dongjie Zhang and Lifeng Zhao.
  12. J. Crew made its European debut when Mrs. Obama wore the brand's embroidered beige cardigan and sea-foam pencil skirt to visit Maggie's Cancer Caring Center with Sarah Brown.
  13. Not to mention my wife and, of course, Sarah.
  14. I could tell that Sarah was in a pensive mood- she simply sat there quietly.
  15. Sarah Jessica Parker is reportably quite upset that she was convinced to wear a Nina Ricci gown to the Sex and the City Premiere only to fnd out afterwards, it had been worn multiple other times.
    据报道,沙拉杰西卡帕克在出席欲望都市首映式所穿的那件 NIna Ricci的晚礼服曾经有两位明星也穿过。她本人在这件事确切无疑后感到非常失落。
  16. Sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop.
  17. Sarah, is that, you pattering around downstairs?
  18. I was in China that instant, I was in China which Sarah, I was in China which tastes like.
  19. Sarah, drawn by the spirit of Cal's murdered nephew, becomes an avenging angel, awakening a dark spirit of her past while risking all to save a total stranger.
    Sarah在cal被杀害的外甥灵魂的影响下变成了一名复仇天使,为了救Cal 这个根本不认识的人,她变得不顾一切,并且唤醒了她过去记忆中的一个黑暗灵魂。
  20. Rabbi Chemelwitz admits he did not know Sarah, whose later years in the Bronx Home for Aged Hebrews were sad and quiet, but that he knows her type: the strong, uncomplaining peasant women of Eastern Europe who immigrated to America to build authentic homes for their children.

Sarah 单语例句

  1. And that can only be good news for Sarah who admits that spaghetti bolognese with lashings of butter and parmesan cheese is her favourite food.
  2. Sarah Palin with one of her daughters posing with the caribou she shot in Alaska.
  3. If Mangold or fellow American Sarah Robles betters her personal record in London, she could come within reach of the bronze medal.
  4. Others offer audiences a look into personalities like Sarah Palin, as well as a murderer on death row and comic book fanatics.
  5. Similarly, the communion between Cixi and Sarah Conger is difficult to slot.
  6. Sarah isn't the only member of her household to be a Lady Gaga fan, her son James Wilkie is also a huge admirer.
  7. Sarah Palin's favorite consignment shop has been forced to change its name.
  8. Sarah Harding has a " naughty cupboard " for her treats and snacks.
  9. She spent several winters there and in 1890 was taught to speak by Sarah Fuller of the Horace Mann School for the Deaf.
  10. Some commentators likened her to Sarah Palin in the way her dealings with the media were being carefully managed.

Sarah ['sєәrә]

n. 莎拉(女子名);萨拉(《圣经》中的人物)
n. (Old Testament) the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac