Salome是什么意思 Salome在线中文翻译

Salome 英 [səˈləumi] 美 [səˈlomi, ˈsæləˌmi]

Salome 网络解释

  1. 萨洛米
    ...荣格曾产生关于以利亚(Elijah)的视象(该视象后来转化为积极的菲利门精神性形象,以及被称为Ka的一种邪恶表现),以及失明的萨洛米(Salome)视象. 当时,荣格显然并不清楚他的女性一面,正如他与其两位病人,...
  2. <<沙乐美>
    ...往往为主人公设计一套独出心裁的服装式样,因此有他插图的作品集一旦出版,马上会成为闰阁中的必备书,其插图中描绘的时装式样马上便会在社会上流传开来. 代表其设计风格的作品有为唯美主义作家王尔德的作品<<沙乐美>>(Salome)所作的插图(图2-15)....
  3. 莎乐美
    ...包括<<尼贝龙根指环>>(Der Ring des Nibelungen)在内的歌剧或乐剧,都指定於此作俄国首演,华格纳之后,马林斯基剧院还为史特劳斯(Richard Strauss,1864-1949)的<<艾蕾克屈拉>>(Elektra)、<<莎乐美>>(Salome)、<<玫瑰骑士>>...
  4. 撒罗米
    ...相关的含义是乳儿的斑斓、令人喜爱,以及温柔. 这与路得的性格相合. 22.撒拉(Sarah)含有公主的意思. 23.亚拿(Anna)的意思是「神的面或者神的容貌」. 24.约基别(Jochebed)的含意是「耶以及华是荣耀」. 25.撒罗米(Salome)是(安然)的意思....

Salome 双语例句

  1. At their one and only meeting, Salome joyously expresses her passion to the prophet, but is abominated and ruthlessly rejected, for her mother marries with her first husband`s brother who usurps his own brother`s crown.
  2. Unfazed, Karajan managed to stage such major works as Strauss`s Salome and Wagner's Die Meistersinger.
  3. He was the son of Herod the Great, and the first husband of Herodias, and the father of Salome.
    他的儿子希律伟大,和第一任丈夫的herodias ,和父亲的莎乐美。
  4. I remember that I saw that he looked languorously at Salome.
  5. And she said to her: Salome, Salome, a new sight have I to tell thee.
  6. John was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and the brother of James the Greater.
  7. In spite of this, the value of the opera Salome can not be written off.
  8. And Christ's Mother's Sister'as'Salome'and'the mother of Zebedee's children.
  9. Salome large-scale use of software can be used to create or modify various bridges CAD model, mesh, Analysis, reinforced calculation.
  10. John was imprisoned for criticizing the illegal marriage of Herod Antipas, and was executed after Herod's stepdaughter, Salome, demanded his head as a reward for dancing for the king's guests.
  11. John was imprisoned for criticizing the illegal marriage of Herod Antipas, was executed after Herod's stepdaughter, Salome, demanded his head as a reward for dancing for the king's guests.
    安提帕的婚姻不合法而被捕入狱,后来因希律的继女撒罗米要求 dDdtt 得到约翰的首级作为 dddtt 她为宾客跳舞的代价,约翰因而被处死。
  12. Chapter Four deals with the images of Salome represented by those Symbolist writers and painters, such as, Moreau, Huysmans and Laforgue.
  13. There Mary remained until all was over, and the body was taken down and laid in a tomb prepared for Joseph of Arimathea. Again, in the earliest dawn of the first day of the week she, with Salome and Mary the mother of James, (Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2 Peter 12, came to the sepulchre, bringing with them sweet spices, that they might anoint the body of Jesus.
  14. When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus'body.
  15. Salome you have sworn an oath, herod.
  16. Salome, a drama created by Irish playwright and poet Oscar Wilde, tells a story about Salome, the stepdaughter of Herod the Great in the Bible.
  17. Hollywood veteran Al Pacino was honored at the Venice film festival on Sunday with a special prize and the presentation of his latest directorial project " Wilde Salome, " Reuters reported.
  18. The Desiring Subject's Awakening and Re-construction: Salome's Rebellion and Transgression
  19. And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought sweet spices, that coming, they might anoint Jesus.
  20. French artist Gustave Moreau's painting, " Salome Dansant Devant Herode ", once influenced the aestheticism in the art circles in late19th century.

Salome 单语例句

  1. This is the first time for the story of Salome to be interpreted and explicated in the language of modern dance drama in China.
  2. The talented Spanish dancer Aida Gomez is cast in the role of the female principal Salome.
  3. She submitted the project to Saura, asking him to direct for the theatre a ballet based on the story of Salome.
  4. They were downing one Bitter Cherry Salome Sour after another, until they moved on to super strong Belvedere vodka and sodas.

Salome [sә'lәumi]

n. (马太福音中的)萨洛米, 萨乐美
n. woman whose dancing beguiled Herod into giving her the head of John the Baptist