SSLS是什么意思 SSLS在线中文翻译


SSLS 网络解释

  1. 世异事变 时移俗易 论世立法 随时举事
    ...SRWS 释氏随缘 儒主素位 万事皆缘 随遇而安 | SSLS 世异事变 时移俗易 论世立法 随时举事 | SSRS 审时度势 顺应潮流 入乡随俗 顺从礼节...
  2. 死蛇烂鳝
    ...sabz 生安白造 | ssls 死蛇烂鳝 | skgx 死梗...
  3. 少年不勤 是不知劳 老年奔驰 是不知逸
    ...SPSX 生死存亡 贫富毁誉 事之所变 行之所悟 | SSLS 少年不勤 是不知劳 老年奔驰 是不知逸 | SSSX 世有佳肴 食知其旨 事有至道 学知其善...
  4. abbr. standardized space launch system; 标准空间发射系统

SSLS 双语例句

  1. As for the SSLs application into the Tomcat and WebLogic server, the author also makes some research.
  2. Being a new manufacture of Siemens, SMSS has tight cooperation with SSLS in Shanghai and SMVS in Wu` Xi.
  3. The most important parameter K_d that wasused in the calculation of SSLs is decided by USEPA method 1312 – SyntheticPrecipitation Leachating Procedure and the statistical method. The study can not only evaluate the level of contamination but also provide thereliable evidence to the canal dredging and sediment disposal.
    SSLs值计算过程中所需参数K d通过USEPA的综合降水浸取过程(USEPA Method 1312 SPLP)以及统计分析的方法确定本文的研究不但可以评价大沽排污河沉积物的污染程度,还可为日后河道的疏浚以及沉积物处置方案提供可靠的科学依据。
  4. In order to evaluate the impact to the ground water after the uncontaminatedsediment beneficial reuse, the SSLs have been calculated according to the USEPA'sSoil Screening Background Document.
    根据USEPA的Soil Screening Technical Background Document中计算SSLs值,以对利用河道沉积物后沉积物渗滤液对地下水的影响提供参考。


abbr. Standardized Space Launch System 标准空间发射系统