SIDS是什么意思 SIDS在线中文翻译

SIDS 英 [ˌes aɪ di: ˈes] 美 [ˌesaɪdi:'es]

SIDS 网络解释

  1. 小岛屿发展中国家
  2. 筛选信息数据集
  3. 婴儿猝死综合征
    ...一项新的 研究 显示,有1/5的儿童夜间看护中心的婴儿都俯卧入睡,而这样就会增加 婴儿 猝死 综合征(SIDS)的危险. 华盛顿 特区 国立儿童医学中心的研究人员对美国27个州110家夜间儿童看护中心的 调查 显示,中心接收6个月以下婴儿,...
  4. 小型发展中岛国
    ...小型发展中岛国(SIDS)在全球温室气体的排放增长中只占到了其中比例的不足0.02,但是它们却是最容易遭到气候变化影响的国家. 大多数小型发展中岛国不能应付全球变暖所带来的海平面上升以及更频发风暴、洪水带来的危害....
  5. abbr. sudden infantdeath syndrome; 婴儿猝死综合征
  6. abbr. sudden infant death syn-drome; 婴幼儿急死综合征
  7. abbr. sudden infant death syndrome; 婴幼儿猝死综合征
  8. abbr. small island developing states; 小岛屿发展中国家

SIDS 双语例句

  1. These cells communicate using a messenger molecule called serotonin. That gives researchers a way in, and Enrica Audero and her colleagues at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Monterotondo, Italy, have now opened it.
    这些细胞通过一种称为血清素的信使分子进行信号传递,这给了研究人员一个研究 SIDS 的思路,位于意大利蒙特罗通多的欧洲分子生物学实验室的 Enrica Audero 和她的同事现在已经开启这一研究思路的大门。
  2. Enrica Audero and colleagues over-produced this particular Htrla regulator in mice, and found that most mice with this altered serotonin receptor succumbed to SIDS-like symptoms and death during a limited window of time during their development.
    Enrica Audero及其同僚在小鼠中过度生产这种特别的Htrla调控因子。他们发现,具有这种改变的5-羟色胺受体的大多数小鼠会死于SIDS样综合症,其死亡时间发生在小鼠发育的一个有限的时间窗阶段中。
  3. He spoke of living at her sids of his home life, in his wife, in his daughter, in his love affairs and financial difficulties; she was very sensible, very fair and right-minded.
  4. If research can establish that is true, then it may be possible to screen infants and single out those at risk, so that parents can take suitable precautions.
    如果研究能证明那是正确的,血清素系统有可能用来筛选婴儿,弄清那些婴儿有患 SIDS 的风险,以便父母亲能采取适当的预防措施。
  5. I, too, have heard about the implication of caffeine with SIDS, butI believe that other variables may come into play here also.
  6. You know, I had read about SIDS, but that wasn't going to happen to me.
  7. You know, I ha d read about SIDS, but that wasn't going to happen to me.
  8. If it is an access-denied ACE and any of the access rights in the requested access mask match those in the ACE access mask then access is denied.
  9. At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS babies die of brachycardia or hypothermia or both.
    当前,还没有人知道 SIDS 的婴儿是因心跳徐缓或体温降低或两者都是。
  10. Because breastfeeding rates are low in the socially deprived sections of our population, there should be special programs to encourage mothers of low socioeconomic status to breastfeed their infants not only for the established benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and infant but also to reduce the risk of SIDS in their infants.
  11. SIDS " is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a family, " says Judith Palfrey, a pediatrician and president-elect of the AAP.
  12. In order to address the issue related to intrusion detection based on the application - level protocol, this paper proposes a rule building aid system based on sequential mining and a new framework of sequential detection model (SIDS).
  13. Many SIDS cannot cope with the consequences of rising sea levels and damage from more frequent storms, floods and stronger cyclones caused by global warming.
  14. Today, soft toys, illnesses, a stomach-lying position have all been linked to SIDS & but not cats.
  15. This is the message that we must take to the Third International Conference on SIDS, scheduled for September 2014 in Samoa, which should guide the adoption of a more sustainable and equitable global development agenda.
  16. In order to manufacture power Static Induction Devices (SIDs) with excellent characteristic to meet the need of National economy, the key manufacture technologies of Static Induction Thyristor (SITH) was studied based on the analysis of its operational principle.
  17. A baby whose mother smoked during pregnancy runs a higher risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome-known in the UK as Cot Death), as does an infant who is exposed to secondhand smoke.
  18. High outdoor levels of nitrogen dioxide apparently raise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), according to California-based researchers.
  19. World Environment Day is of particular relevance as we celebrate in 2014 International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  20. SIDS appears to be somewhat more common among babies who sleep on their stomachs.

SIDS 单语例句

  1. Placing babies on their backs to sleep is the best advice for preventing SIDS, a still mysterious cause of death.
  2. Bacterial infections have long been suspected by some doctors to play a role in SIDS.
  3. Researchers interviewed mothers of 185 infants who died from SIDS and mothers of 312 infants of similar race and age.
  4. Recommendations for preventing SIDS include putting babies to sleep on their backs and avoiding putting too many blankets on them.
  5. Researchers took into account other risk factors and found that fan use was associated with a 72 percent lower risk of SIDS.
  6. SIDS is the sudden death of an otherwise healthy infant that can't be attributed to any other cause.

SIDS [sɪdz]

abbr. 婴儿猝死综合症(sudden infant death syndrome)
n. sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant during sleep