SAM Site是什么意思 SAM Site在线中文翻译

SAM Site

SAM Site 双语例句

  1. It shows that there are multiple forms of ACC synthase, bat the active-site peptide reveals highly conserved dodecapeptides; the molecular size of ACC synthase, a dimer, is 55 KDa, and the enzyme is partially degraded to a 45 KDa peptide during purification procedures; it requires pyridoxal phosphate as cofactor, and can be inactivated by its substrate SAM and ACC synthase gene is a gene family, encoding multiple forms of ACC synthase, which ran be induced by a diverse group of inducers, including auxin, stress, wounding, and various metals, and the induction was suggested to be due to enhanced transcription.
    本文针对此酵素介绍其性质、构造及其调节的机制,总结如下:ACC合成酶是以多种形式存在的,但其活性部位之胺基酸序列具高度保守性;其分子量大约55 KDa,且以双元体的方式存在,但在纯化的过程中会降解成45 KDa左右;在进行催化时,以维生素六辅酶(pyridoxal phosphate,PLP)为辅助因子,且具有被其受质SAM失活化之特性:此外ACC合成酶基因是由多重基因所组成,并且解码许多异型态之ACC合成酶,其酵素活性可被不同的因子诱发,包括生长素,逆境、愈伤及各种金属物质,此诱发作用被认为是由於转录作用加强而使蛋白质重新合成。
  2. Francis and Peake were also principal owners of D. C. clothing company We R One, along with NBA stars Sam Cassell and Nick Van Exel, according to the company's Web site.
  3. The return of Bracknell council co-workers Sam and Phil (Matthew Baynton and James Corden), whose lives were turned upside down when Sam answered a ringing phone at the site of a car-crash.

SAM Site

SAM Site


setting: 一般特指戏剧或小说所写的环境或场所。
site: 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。
position: 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。
location: 指某物设置的方向或地点。
scene: 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。
locality: 指某物所处的客观位置和周围地区。
place: 含义广泛,最普通用词,既可指很小的地点,又可指很大很远的地方或场所。
situation: 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。
spot: 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。