Romish是什么意思 Romish在线中文翻译

Romish 英 [ˈrəumiʃ] 美 [ˈromɪʃ]

Romish 网络解释

  1. 罗米什
    ...罗杰斯和拜沃里致 Rogers and Beveridge | 罗米什 Romish | <<罗摩衍那总论>>(书名)Joy-Vasistha Ramayana...

Romish 双语例句

  1. No church within the limits of Romish jurisdiction was long left undisturbed in the enjoyment of freedom of conscience.
  2. Freed from Romish oppression, the nation attained to a strength and greatness it had never before reached.
  3. The Romish leaders saw with terror to what a pitch had risen the feeling against them.
  4. After a time it was decreed that all who departed from the Romish worship should be burned.
  5. They were received with favor by the proud barbarians, and they induced many thousands to profess the Romish faith.
  6. These leaders in the English Reformation were men of learning, and most of them had been highly esteemed for zeal or piety in the Romish communion.
  7. The use of this composite term in place of the simple Roman, Romanist, or Romish; which had acquired an invidious sense, appears to have arisen in the early years of the seventeenth century.
    使用这种复合材料在任期内的地方很简单,罗马,romanist ,或romish ;已经获得了令人反感的意识,似乎已经出现在最初几年的17世纪。
  8. Though gashed by the Savoyard spear, and scorched by the Romish fagot, they stood unflinchingly for God's word and His honor.
  9. Against Freemasonry, when it declared that English Freemasonry had no opinions political or religious, and that it did not in the least degree sympathize with the loose opinions and extravagant utterances of part of the Continental Freemasonry, it was very justly and very conclusively checkmated by the Romish Organs with the reply, 'It is idle for you to protest.
  10. She is the communicator of numerous books on romish prowess in its semipolitical and ethnic environment including romish Sculpture, the basic meaning on the subject.

Romish ['rәumiʃ]

a. <贬>天主教的
a of or relating to or supporting Romanism