Rijeka是什么意思 Rijeka在线中文翻译

Rijeka 英 [ri:ˈjekə] 美 [riˈjɛkə]

Rijeka 网络解释

  1. 里耶卡
    ...鲁吉亚 波季(POTI) 以色列 阿什杜德(ASHDOD)黑山 巴尔(BAR) 以色列 海法(HAIFA)阿尔巴尼亚 都拉斯(DURRES) 黎巴嫩 贝鲁特(BEIRUT)克罗地亚 普洛切(PLOCE) 叙利亚 拉塔基亚(LATTAKIA)克罗地亚 里耶卡(RIJEKA) 斯洛文尼亚 的里...
  2. 里耶卡 南斯拉夫 地中海
    ...476 Riga 里加 拉脱维亚 | 477 Rijeka 里耶卡 南斯拉夫 地中海 | 478 Rio De Janeiro 里约热内卢...
  3. 里耶卡(南斯拉夫)
    ...Riga 里加(拉托维亚) | Rijeka 里耶卡(南斯拉夫) | Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢(巴西)...

Rijeka 双语例句

  1. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Rijeka cheap.
  2. A cargo ship`s waiting for you in Rijeka.
  3. From: Rijeka, Croatia...
  4. It is a detached house that concludes the row of houses on the northern border of Rijeka`s Old Town.
  5. Born in 1982, in Rijeka, Croatia, he played for Livorno last season and is here on loan, with an option for Juve to buy out half of his ownership.
  6. After stints at Rijeka and Livorno, the lad knows this is his big chance to show what he's worth and confirm the good impression he gave in the last two years in Italy and when playing for his national team, after the doubly unlucky experience at Euro 2008 (the injury for him and Croatia being knocked out in such a dramatic fashion by Turkey).
  7. Project is located on top of the underground garage with 900 parking places and a future city train station.
  8. After signing Mellberg, and De Ceglie's return, now it's Dario Knezevic's turn joining the side. Born in 1982, in Rijeka, Croatia, he played for Livorno last season and is here on loan, with an option for Juve to buy out half of his ownership.
  9. Croatia Airlines has branch offices in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Rijeka, Split and Zadar, as well as abroad - in Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Sarajevo, Skopje, Vienna and Zurich.
  10. The restructuring and modernization of Rijeka Port doubled port traffic and positioned Croatia as a more attractive trading route.
  11. The Bakar Bridge to be built on expressway from Rijeka to Senj and over the Bakar Straits is a 432-m span arch bridge composed of almost all precast and assembled reactive powder concrete elements with concrete strength up to 200 MPa.
  12. He is affiliated with the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rijeka in Croatia through its Public Administration Program.

Rijeka [ri:'jekә]
