Phrygian是什么意思 Phrygian在线中文翻译

Phrygian 英 [ˈfridʒiən] 美 [ˈfrɪdʒiən]

Phrygian 双语例句

  1. According to guitarist Manolo Sanlúcar, in this flamenco Phrygian mode, E is the tonic, F would take the harmonic function of dominant, while Am and G assume the functions of subdominant and mediant respectively.
    根据吉他家 Manolo Sanlúcar 的说法,在这一弗拉门戈弗利基亚调式中,E 是主音,F 发挥了属音的和声作用,而 Am 和 G 则分别起到了下属音和中音的作用。
  2. Why is Mithras shown wearing a Phrygian cap?
  3. Recurrent cholangitis associated with biliary sludge and Phrygian cap anomaly diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography despite normal ultrasound and computed tomography
  4. Created by Augustin Dupré in 1795, it takes its inspiration from Minerva, goddess of wisdom and beauty, and the Marianne figure is dressed in the Phrygian cap, a symbol of the country's newfound freedom.
    这个人物形象是由Augustin Dupré于1795年创造的,灵感来源于智慧与美貌女神 Minerva 。这个Marianne 头像戴着一顶佛里及亚的帽子,那是这个国家刚刚获得自由的象征。
  5. Cybele: The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient asia Minor.
  6. The Phrygian mode, as well as the Lydian (and the theoretical Lochrian), are very rarely encountered.
  7. Marianne wearing a Phrygian cap is the national personification of the French Republic, and a symbol of Liberty.
  8. The obverse figure is a depiction of the mythological goddess Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap, a classic symbol of liberty and freedom, with its wings intended to symbolize freedom of thought.
  9. A short while later, the fire in the courtyard was lit again when a hen laid a fantastic egg that looked like a Ping-Pong hall with an appendage like that on a Phrygian cap.
  10. She had the lictor's fasces, the Phrygian cap, a bare breast, and was accompanied by Labour (a worker representing the
  11. In creating the effigy of the 3rd Republic's new gold coin, Clément Chaplain, a renowned member of the French school of sculpture, breathed new life into Republican monetary aesthetics that had remained unchanged since 1791. In 1898, he designed a Marianne figure whose very marked features are deliberately contrasted by the flowing locks that escape from the Phrygian cap.
    在第三枚新金币头像的产生过程中,Clément Chaplain,这位享有盛誉的法国雕塑学院成员给了自1791年开始就止步不前的共和国钱币美学以新的生命。1898年,他设计了Marianne 头像,其显著特点是有意识的让一把从佛里及亚帽子里滑落的锁与其形成鲜明的对照。
  12. It was won by the brothers Moricet, in 1883, with a revolutionary Marianne, with the arm lift towards the sky and a Phrygian cap, but with her breasts covered. For the centenary of the French Revolution, in 1889, another contest was made for the

Phrygian ['fridʒiәn]

n. 佛里吉亚人;佛里吉亚语
adj. 佛里吉亚的
n. a native or inhabitant of Phrygia
n. a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Phrygia and now extinct--preserved only in a few inscriptions