Peru balsam是什么意思 Peru balsam在线中文翻译

Peru balsam 英 [pəˈru: ˈbɔ:lsəm] 美 [pəˈru ˈbɔlsəm]

Peru balsam 词典解释


Peru balsam 网络解释

  1. 秘鲁香脂
    ...persulfuric acid 过硫酸 | peru balsam 秘鲁香脂 | pesticide 杀虫剂...
  2. 秘鲁香胶
    ...perturbed structure 微扰结构 | Peru balsam 秘鲁香胶 | Peru balsam oil 秘鲁香胶油...

Peru balsam 双语例句

  1. Balsam of Tolu is an herb that comes from a very tall tree that can be found in Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
  2. Notes: Bergamot Oil Italian, Orange Oil, Bitter Orange Oil, Mandarin Flower, Mimosa India, Rose Absolute ABS, Schinus Molle ABS LMR, Peru Balsam, Patchouli Oil LMR, Raspberry Flower, Labdanum Resinoide LMR, Tonka Bean ABS LMR, Vanilla Absolute, Musk, Sandalwood Oil.
    香调 意大利佛手柑油,橘色油,苦橘油,花,印度含羞草,玫瑰,秘鲁香油,广藿香,天竺薄荷,复盆子花,劳丹脂,香草,麝香鹿,檀香。
  3. Balsam of Peru is used in the standard patch test series in dermatology to test for contact allergy to fragrance materials.
  4. It is concluded that fragrance contact allergy accounted for great majority of patients reacting to cosmetics and fragrance mix was superior to Balsam of Peru.
  5. Sensitivity to Myroxylon pereirae resin (balsam of Peru). A study of 50 cases
  6. Determination of chemical components of essential oil in Peru balsam balmtree extract by GC/MX
  7. This herbal plant has also been called Balsam of Peru because it was originally exported primarily from Peru but that is no longer the case.
  8. Fragrance mixture and balsam of Peru were the most common allergens and photoallergens in CAD patients.
  9. Any of several aromatic resins, such as balsam of Peru and Tolu balsam, that contain considerable amounts of benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, or both, or their esters.
  10. Facial skin of the Caucasian and Korean subjects in this study had many similar properties. Subtle differences found in skin barrier function may be responsible for increased reactivity in Korean skin found in the Monitored-Use studies and to a Balsam of Peru challenge.

Peru balsam

[网络] 秘鲁香脂;秘鲁香膏;秘鲁香胶
Peru balsam