Patna是什么意思 Patna在线中文翻译

Patna 英 [ˈpætnə,ˈpʌtˈnɑ:] 美 [ˈpʌtnə]

Patna 网络解释

  1. 巴特那
    ...位于今日比哈省(Behar)巴特那(Patna)县南方的拉遮基尔(Rajgir). 是古代中印度萨罗国的都城. 须达多长者在此建立祇园精舍,供佛作讲经说法的道场,也是规模最宏大的道场,是佛教史上第二座大寺院. 舍卫城在今拉普底河南岸,...
  2. 帕特纳
    ...Brahmaptra)到达恒河和帕特纳(Patna). 这条交通路线起源于何时,不得而知,但必定很早. 张骞在公元前128年出使西域在大夏见到中国四川地区的物产,即是沿这条路交通线运往印度后转输大夏的. 二是由云南沿伊洛瓦底江到达商埠塔科拉(在仰光四周)和萨尔温江口的毛淡棉,...
  3. 巴特那(地名)
    ...巴士拉(地名)Basra | 巴特那(地名)Patna | 巴塔维阿总督(人名)Governor-General of Batavia...
  4. 巴特那 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯
    ...Paterson 帕特森 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaā... | Patna 巴特那 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Pavia 帕维亚 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsa......

Patna 双语例句

  1. It was only a single rented room, but it was better than anything we had in Patna.
  2. Later she trained to become a nurse in Patna, and then began her work helping the poor and comforting the dying in the streets of the city.
  3. Patna: The flood in Bihar has left behind destruction and distraught families which are now ready to give up their children for adoption.
  4. The capital of Magadha and situated near the modern Patna.
    Magadha 的首都位于现代的Patna附近。
  5. During this time, the most notable action occurred in 1917 when columns of the Assam Rifles were despatched to Patna, to restore law and order in the riot-torn city.
  6. Nothing the old Malay says helps the judges make sense of the events on the Patna.
  7. Company: Beijing to provide more than Patna International special ticket price limits module sales (not included in the price and tax, more than the price applicable to the period of stay of six months, guests: 11.1-12.31 date of the off-season, quarter-:9.11 - 10.31, season:7.1 - 9.10) of the Company for the IATA designated a class international and domestic passenger sales agent business (sales in the international and domestic air ticket discounts and concessions).
  8. King Menander (c.125) reunited the Indo-Greek kingdom and even invaded the heartland of the contracted Mauryan empire where he took Patna.
    国王米南德( c.125 )团聚印度支那希腊王国,甚至侵入心脏的收缩Mauryan帝国在那里,他巴特那。
  9. PATNA: The government of India is learned to have written to the government of Switzerland, taking exception to the garlanding of a Lord Buddha statue with shoes in a footwear shop in Geneva.
  10. After someone has committed sati the scene of the suicide becomes a revered holy place, but the Madhya Pradesh home minister, Mahendra Boud, has ordered that a shrine should not be built in Tamoli Patna
  11. After someone has committed sati the scene of the suicide becomes a revere d holy place, but the Madhya Pradesh home minister, Mahendra Boud, has ordered that a shrine should not be built in Tamoli Patna
  12. " Mauryan empire (c. 321-c. 185 BC) In ancient India, a state centred at Pataliputra (later Patna) near the junction of the Son and Ganges (Ganga) rivers. "
  13. Perhaps this explains why so far this year, the BPM hospital in Patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients, nearly all of them bitten by bandy.
  14. He recalled how they packed the entire family 14 people into the car on road trips between Darbhanga, a town in north Bihar, to Patna, its capital.
  15. But they are also known for extreme stubbornness and Patna, the capital of Bihar state in eastern India, hired scores of them Wednesday to compel shop owners to pay their tax arrears.
  16. PATNA, India – A school principal fatally stabbed a Hindu nationalist lawmaker while he was meeting with some of his supporters Tuesday at his residence in an eastern Indian state, police said.
  17. We set out on motor bike at dawn from the city of Patna to collect vipers so that they could be milked for their venom.
  18. Two officers hurried to the village of tamoli Patna to try to intervene but were beaten back by villagers with stones.
  19. But his condition was still deteriorating and his family had decided to hire a taxi to transport him in the 200km to Patna.
  20. " Mauryan empire (c. 321-c. 185 BC) In ancient India, a state centred at Pataliputra (later Patna) near the junction of the Son and Ganges (Ganga) rivers. "

Patna 单语例句

  1. More than 40 laborers were traveling on the vehicle at the time of the accident, 140 km from the state capital Patna.

Patna ['pætnә,'pʌt'nɑ:]
