POH是什么意思 POH在线中文翻译


POH 词典解释

形容词power-on hours 加电时数;postoperative hemorrhage 术后出血;path overhead 通道开销;progressive osseous heteroplasia 进行性骨发育异常

POH 网络解释

  1. 通道开销
    ...关键词:同步数字传输体系(SDH) E1映射器 段开销(SOH) 通道开销(POH) 指针调整同步数字传输体系(SDH)从其诞生至今已有近10年的历史,并以其各方面优越性迅速地成为通信网络的骨干网络....
  2. 治疗祷言
    ...牧师我穿的是250冰抗有萨满的图腾,2/9信仰 3/8卓越,使用1或着2级的治疗祷言(POH)偶尔恢复一下 或者2级治疗术...
  3. 潘集
    ...潘集西 PXH 14346 | 潘集 POH 14347 | 廖家湾 LGH 14348...
  4. 通路开销
    ...PHY 物理层 PM 物理媒体 | POH 通路开销 | PTI 净荷类识别符...
  5. abbr. primary orthostatic hypotension; 原发性直立性低血压
  6. abbr. progressive osseous heteroplasia; 进行性骨发育异常
  7. abbr. pecking order hypothesis; 融资次序理论
  8. abbr. planned outage hours; 计划停运小时

POH 双语例句

  1. According to Seet Poh Kim, General Manager of BSG, among the annual output of 1.5 million pieces, 70-80 percent is exported to Japan, the United States, Europe, South Korea and Australia.
  2. Here is some background information about the contest. This contest is part of the Fall Convention held by District 80. Poh Kim Siong, then District Governor of District 80, wanted to hold a Chinese speech contest in Asia in order to expand the influence of the Chinese language. With promises of participation from our District D67 and other previous winners of all divisions in District 80, the Asian Cup was finally born.
    首先,说明一下这个比赛的背景,原先,这是属於80区的秋季大会中的比赛项目,由於当时80区的主席 Poh Kim Siong 希望筹办一个跨亚洲地区的中文比赛,以扩大中文讲演的影响力,在我们所属的 D67区允诺参加,再加上80区各分部的优胜者及历年来的优胜者积极参与下,终於有了这个亚洲杯邀请赛的诞生。
  3. During the preparation for the national contest, I also got valuable suggestions from fellow members and other senior members.(Sorry that I won`t name each of them here.) I want to think fellow members Joy Tsai and Ruth Liu (they flew to Macau to accompany me and Jones Sun in the contest), District Governor Jack Tsai and D80`s Governor Poh Kim Sioung who made the Asian Cup a reality despite many doubts. All participants learned a lot during the exchange in the contest.
    在决定参加全国比赛的过程中,当然得到许多本会及其他资深会员的宝贵意见(请容我铭记於心,而不在此一一指名),特别要感谢的人有:会友蔡娇燕及刘恬萍特地请假自费陪我与孙旭群到澳门参赛;总会长 Jack Tsai 及 D80总会长 Poh Kim Siong 力排众议,大力促成亚洲杯的邀请赛,所有与会者在彼此的交流中深感受益良多。
  4. Party Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung as the benefits of many, the most important non-official, on the one hand is proud of its identity in order to maintain the functioning of the platform between the KMT and CPC, which is of great significance in terms of cross-strait exchanges.
  5. POH contains nine STSPOH bytes, and when the frame is VT structure, it contains five VT bytes...
  6. In ternary system of PGA/POH and HDI isocyanurate, there are twomain reactions: one forms urethane at 30-50℃, the other producesoxazolidone at 140-165℃.
  7. So yes, you would target the rogue and it would heal her and the 4 others in her group.
  8. Poh: Be a man of influence, not just a man of success.
  9. Poh tiong:when i was about 18 years old, when my father started drinking wine.
  10. We don`t think there is a danger of that with PoH.
  11. Our plan is not to make PoH a smart heal.
  12. Previously Poh came out to say something to the press, he sounded upset, how did you feel about this?
  13. I caught up with Poh just before the start of the ICCCW in Beijing.
  14. Effects of the process parameters on the thickness, grain size and inner stress of the LiMO〓 films were investigated.
  15. He used the ticket to gain access to the Xi'an International Airport's VIP lounge, where high-rolling travellers dine for free, according to a report in the Chinese-language newspaper Kwong Wah Yit Poh in Malaysia.
  16. (The writer is a Junior College student. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.)
  17. Three had postoperative hemorrhage (POH), but did not need the surgical treatment.
  18. The experimental results show that H 2 POH and H 2 (p_Cl) 3 POH exist in equilibrum between the diacid form and the free base.
  19. Objective To investigate the damage of rabbit corneal endothelium cells due to persistent ocular hypertension (POH) and mechanism in glaucoma POH for providing an experimental evidence for clinical treatment of glaucoma.
  20. The results show that thione isomer is stable with respect to thiol isomer from energetically, lower -26.2kJ/mol corrected with zero point vibrational energy. The proton transfer reaction was characterized by the structure with a tetra-atomic ring.

POH 单语例句

  1. The violent gang leader Poh Boy is played by Guillermo Diaz in a part that might have been better comedic rather than menacing.

POH [pəʊ]

int. 轻视之声
vt. 使疲倦
interj. An exclamation expressing contempt or disgust; bah !