PLATO是什么意思 PLATO在线中文翻译

Plato 英 ['pleɪtəʊ] 美 ['pleɪtoʊ]

Plato 词典解释


Plato 网络解释

  1. 柏图
    ...柏 图(Plato)曾如是 :「最低层次的思考, 是对事物的知觉;最高层次营运持续计画(BCP)提到公司所发展之企业风险管 系统, 仅可以满足...
  2. 帕拉图
    ...便跟当时的无调性音乐、意识流小说、印象派绘画甚至好莱坞电影,都被统统掃出门外. 其实人类的教育理念,原意都是希望把知识一代传一代,而且下一代应该比上一代更好,学生能够青出于蓝而胜于蓝,社会才有进步. 希腊最伟大的哲学家帕拉图(Plato)于两...
  4. abbr. programmed logic for automatic teaching operation; 自动教学编程逻辑,Plato 计算机辅助教学系统
  5. abbr. programmed logic for automatic teaching operations; 计算机辅助教学系统

Plato 双语例句

  1. The son of nicomachus, the personal physician of king amyntas of Macedonia, Aristotle entered Plato`s academy at the age of seventeen and quickly became Plato's most prodigious pupil.
  2. Virtue (or excellence; as with Plato, the word arete means both) is a state of being or an aspect of character and does not come by nature.
  3. This text is to seek the social origin of Plato national ideal and to analyze realistic foundation of his national ideal and break-away from the realistic factor.
  4. Plato said: some lose is predestined, some fate is never have the result.
  5. In Plato's Republic, I'm sure he'd have had the same.
  6. Besides Plato himself, Ariston and Perictione had three other children; these were two sons, Adeimantus and Glaucon, and a daughter Potone, the mother of Speusippus (the nephew and successor of Plato as head of his philosophical Academy).
  7. Concern with metaknowledge dates to antiquity, especially to some of the analyses of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
  8. Plato, it will be remembered, thought it superstitious to look back and go into questions of responsibility or the previous history of a crime except when it might throw light on what was needed to cure the criminal.
  9. Plato, one of the great wrestling philosophers, could be describing the official Chinese attitude to these Games, wherein the individual is swallowed up by the team performance of a nation
  10. Plato`s Symposium 211: c
  11. It can only be understood by those who have read the Symposium of Plato, or caught the spirit of a certain grave mood made beautiful for us in Greek marbles.
  12. On the one hand, he drew a clear line between human ignorance and ideal knowledge; on the other, Plato's Symposium (Diotima's Speech) and Republic describe a method for ascending to wisdom.
  13. Someone ripped off a page from plato's Symposium, the page discussing the idea of beauty.
  14. Plato in his Symposium and Phaedrus argued that love begins with a desire for personal beauty, but its spiritual ascent culminates in a desire for beauty in itself, that is the love of wisdom.
  15. Ma Yifu and Qian Mu advocated reconstructing Chinese culture by assimilat-ing foreign culture at the base of rejuvenating the Confucianism; by breaking down the barriersbetween the schools of the Han and the Song Dynasties; by compromising the argument betweenZhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan; by synthesizing the opinions of Hundred Schools and achieving masterythrough a comprehensive study, He Lin attempted to set up an ideal ideahstic philosophical systemwith the Lu-Wang's school of Mind as its main bady, mixing Chinese Buddhism, Taoism, Hun-dred Schools and western philosophy of Plato, Aristoteles, kant and Hegel together.
  16. Plato made a very careful description of knowledge requirement here, with two different similes – divided Line and cave, to interpret the route led to this supreme principle. He first discriminates and defines the classification of knowledge and their corresponding subordinated soul states in the divided line simile, then in the cave simile, he brings up the primitive uneducated state of the human nature, and the different states after educated or enlightened, to explain the importance of education or the upward journey of soul.
  17. The historical reason for Plato positing the invariable Forms, which are totally apart from the variable sensible things, is remarked by Aristotle that: on the one hand, having been agreed with Cratylus and the Heracllitean doctrines that all sensible things are always in a state of flux and that no science of them exists, yet on the other hand, taking into account the Socrates` efforts to find general definitions of ethical terms, Plato, having been inspired by both views, thinks that there must be some invariable things, i. e. Forms, which are totally apart from the variable sensible things and could only be thought with logos, as the causes of the sensible things. Therefore, the soul could recollect and think of Forms by perceiving these sensible things, which participate in the corresponding Forms. Hence, Plato saves the phenomena and secures the possibility for soul of thinking and knowing the truth by his theory of Forms.
  18. He read the books of Plato, and built a system of doctrines.
  19. Plato built up a comprehensive system of philosophy.
  20. There is little of Mysticism in the first schools of Greek philosophy, but it already takes a large place in the system of Plato, eg, in his theory of the world of ideas, of the origin of the world soul and the human soul, in his doctrine of recollection and intuition.

Plato 单语例句

  1. Plato postulated about the golden proportions of beauty, the " magic ratios " that make a face pleasing to the eye.
  2. Busts of Plato and Aristotle headline a special Beijing exhibition uncovering the mysteries of ancient Greece.
  3. A federal team led by Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Pavel Plato flew in from Moscow on Sunday to assess the situation.
  4. She occasionally goes shopping or to the movies with friends and reads Western philosophers such as Plato to enrich herself.

Plato ['pleitәu]

n. 柏拉图(古希腊哲学家)
n. ancient Athenian philosopher; pupil of Socrates; teacher of Aristotle (428-347 BC)