PEL是什么意思 PEL在线中文翻译

pel 英 [pel] 美 [pel]

pel 词典解释

形容词图元;proportional elastic 弹性极限

pel 网络解释

  1. 允许暴露限值
  2. 预监听(试听)按键
    ...FUSE:保险丝 | PEL:预监听(试听)按键 | EFF:效果电平控制...
  3. 像素
    ...pedestal chip 凸点焊盘型芯片 | pel 像素 | pellet part 片状掐...
  4. abbr. pulse extension line; 脉冲扩充线
  5. abbr. permissible exposure limit; 允许暴露极限的
  6. abbr. peronissible exposure limit; 允许暴露极限
  7. abbr. pelagicpollution; 远洋污染

pel 英英释义

  1. (computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot)
    e.g. the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution
    Synonym: pixel picture element

pel [pel]

abbr. proportional elastic 弹性极限; 图元
n (computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot)