Ormosia是什么意思 Ormosia在线中文翻译


Ormosia 词典解释


Ormosia 网络解释

  1. 红豆属
    ...花榈木为红豆树类(Ormosia spp),豆科(Leguminosae)蝶形花亚科(Papilionoidea)红豆属(Ormosia)中具优质深色心材的珍贵树种. 英文名:ORMOSIA,SAGA,BAHAI等. 别名:红豆木、红心红豆、身心红豆等. 主要产地为印度、菲律宾、马来西亚、苏门答腊、圭亚那等国,...
  2. 红豆树属
    ...而王维诗中生南国的红豆,其实也不是这种小实孔雀豆,而是指蝶形花科的红豆树属(Ormosia)植物. 换言之,槟城的这棵相思树跟桂林的相思树是不一样的品种,不过都是豆科这大家族的一员. 虽说不同,但这种心形的小实孔雀豆,...
  3. 红豆
    ...ormolu 镀金物 | ormosia 红豆 | ormosine 红豆树碱...
  4. 红豆树属(豆科)
    ...链荚木 Ormocarpum sennoides DC. | 红豆树属(豆科) Ormosia | 长脐红豆 Ormosia balansae Drake; O. elliptilimba Merr. et Chun...

Ormosia 双语例句

  1. Got developing quickly on construction of industrialization of southern ormosia fir.
  2. A study on the Chinese Ormosia Jacks.
    Title 中国红豆属的研究。
  3. Ormosia group is group of industry of Jiangsu province key, the State Council deepens reform 120 times pilot enterprise.
  4. The force that science and technology innovates -- resource of southern ormosia fir can last the protection, development, practice that use and exploration
    科技创新的力量——南方红豆杉资源可持续保护、发展、利用的实践与探索- thesis-writing.cn,论文-报刊摘要
  5. With the ormosia group of dress build up, it is in order to start ethical brand oneself, since 1991, have the honor to win provincial above honor early or late 20 multinomial.
  6. H. hattori as cassia siamea lam.; while the slightly different wood employed for piece later in form, still now available in the market, is identified by chinese experts as ormosia hosiei, the hung-tou红豆tree of central and western china.
  7. The results showed that the lowland rain forest are composed of Heritiera parvfolia, Ormosia balansae, Ficus altissima, Vatica mangachapoi, Sarcosperma kachinense, Man glietia hainanense, Ixonanthes chinensis and Diospyros hainanensis in arbor layer and Gironniera subaequalis, Koilodepas hainanense, Blastus cochinchinensis, Psychotria rubra in shrub layer. The dominant species in mountain rain forest are Dacrydium pierrei, Podocarpus imbricatus, Xanthophyllum hainanense, Altingia obovata, Quercus auguslii and Adinandra hainanensis.
  8. In order to select strong cold-resistant tree species, seedlings of six tropical and subtropical species (Dillenia turbinata, Peltophorum tonkinense, Garcinia oblongifolia, Alstonia scholaris, Kheya senegalensis and Ormosia pinnate) were treated with the lasting times of 0.5, 3, 5 and 8d at 10℃ respectively. The changes of physiological indices of these seedling were studied.
  9. Using pot experiment, discussed the influence of nitrobenzene to the emergence rates ofsmall-seed bean, ormosia and mung bean, and the influence of nitrobenzene to MDA content, SODactivity, POD activity in root and stem of seedling.
  10. The leaves of Ormosia hosiei tree began change mostly in the end of November in FuJian province. If met the hoar frost descends, the foliole fell off rapidly.
  11. The Phenology rhythm of Ormosia hosiei sapling: burgeon growth period is between the last ten days of March and the middle ten days of November.
  12. Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from the Hypocotyl of Ormosia henryi Prain
  13. Owning to higher ILUE, growth rates and water use efficiency, the woody species suitable for the restoration of the oil shade waste dump are as follows, Acacia auriculiformis, Bombax malabaricum, Erythrina indica, Terrninalia bellinca, Tristania confrrta, Ormosia pinnata, Gassiasiamea, Samanea saman, Schima wallicliii, Syzygium cumini.
  14. Comparison of karyotype of Ormosia glaberrima and Ormosia henryi.
  15. Daily variation of gas exchange, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in summer leaves of ormosia pinnata
  16. Study on Seed and Seedling of Five Rare Species of Leguminosae Such as Ormosia Hosiei
  17. On the Translation of " On Ormosia " from the Perspective of " Reception Aesthetics " and " Skopos Theory "
  18. A study of the technology and recipe for processing ormosia milk
  19. The Biological Characteristics and Ornamental Value of Ormosia pinnata
  20. A new species of ormosia Jack in Guizhou Province


[医] 红豆[树]属
n genus of tropical shrubs and trees having usually odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and pink to reddish wood