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OUP 双语例句

  1. And luotensin gr oup, while nor mal rats as control group. 24h urinary albumin excretion, 24h beta 2 microglobin excretion, creatinine
    体重比值、肾小球面积,测定24h 尿β2 微球蛋白、尿白蛋白和肌酐清除率,并应用免疫组化检测肾脏组织中转化生长因子-β1
  2. Produced b y the Gr oup as main ingr edients. Production is based on
  3. 41 Pg/ml, (P<0.05Conclusion: NPY measured in injury gr oup were much more higher than in control group. The results suggest that NPY m ay play important role in the infrapatellar fat pat injury.
  4. In this study 60 female schizo- phrenic patients were treated, Gr- oup A was treated with antipsych- otic drugs combining with insulin hypoglycemia, while group B was only treated with antipsychotic d- rugs, They were opserved by the rating methods of IV grade thera- peutic effect, The results show that in both groups there is no statistical sign- ificance in comparison of the imm- ediate effect, the feature of contr- olling the prominient psychiatric symptoms, the time needed for the same level of improvement, t...
  5. Guangzhou Baiyun World Leather Trading Centre has housed such renowned bran-ds as:Beverly Hills polo club, Laochrkar, Ropex, Biyibi, Nuoman, Louis Cardy, Mo-nalisa, Prtty Girl, Maggei Q, Yalunlai, Kaitz, US. Polo, Fringed Iris, Dotortoh, Oup-ai, MAK GOLF, Feishiman, Hualunyani, Babili, Yinusi, Annavalli, YANANO, Artistic, Ku-osh, Tosoco, Derbyiu, Volunteer Setatype, Italy David. Over 1, 200 leather enterp-rises and 31, 800 varieties of leather ware available here. It is the optimal area for your free options.
  6. Notes: Two subsidiaries of the Gr oup, namely Br oad Ocean Company
    a 於年内,本集团有两间附属公司,正颖有限公司
  7. Through its long association with OUP, The Folio Society is delighted to be able to offer a huge saving on this deluxe edition, a sumptuous 2-volume set, bound in Oxford blue leather with gilded page edges and two ribbon markers per volume.
  8. Hong Kong is a major market for all of the Gr oup's businesses.
  9. In the Gr oup`s strategy of diversification. Among all the
  10. Simple Wide Past Markov Property of a Sort of Extended B. S. and Extended Oup_2
  11. Guangzhou Baiyun World Leather Trading Centre has housed such renowned bran-ds as:Beverly Hills polo club, Laochrkar, Ropex, Biyibi, Nuoman, Louis Cardy, Mo-nalisa, Prtty Girl, Maggei Q, Yalunlai, Kaitz, US. Polo, Fringed Iris, Dotortoh, Oup-ai, MAK GOLF, Feishiman, Hualunyani, Babili, Yinusi, Annavalli, YANANO, Artistic, Ku-osh, Tosoco, Derbyiu, Volunteer Setatype, Italy David. Over 1, 200 leather enterp-rises and 31, 800 varieties of leather ware available here. It is the optimal area for your free options. We approach the world closer right in here.
  12. Samantha Armstrong, of the OUP childrens dictionaries division, said: Perhaps we are catching a glimpse of the language of the future.
  13. The patients with normal uterus and control gg-oup kept normal condition. Result: The rate of abortion reaches to 98.01% in observed group, 78.2% in control group. There is a significant difference (P 0.01).
  14. Monthly prizes will be presented to winners by OUP representatives.


abbr. Oxford University Press<英>牛津大学出版社