Nicene是什么意思 Nicene在线中文翻译


Nicene 网络解释

  1. 小亚细亚旧都尼西亚的
    ...Nice /尼斯/ | Nicene /小亚细亚旧都尼西亚的/ | Nichicon /尼其电容器/电容器/...

Nicene 双语例句

  1. Eusebius of Nicomedia withdrew his opposition to the Nicene term, but would not sign the condemnation of Arius.
  2. A Church that is truly Christian must therefore believe and accept every one of the Nicene Creed beliefs.
  3. The Nicene Creed is the most widely accepted and used brief statements of the Christian Faith.
  4. This Nicene Creed has several separate concepts or beliefs.
  5. There are a substantial number Churches that have a number of similar beliefs to Christian belief, but which do not accept all of the beliefs in the Nicene Creed.
  6. And the second was a Western addition to the Nicene Creed which provoked the filioque controversy.
  7. Two come directly from the Apostles'Creed, and two come from the Nicene Creed.
  8. Its identity with the ancient work is established by a quotation from the latter in the Acts of the Nicene Council.
  9. The first two councils, Nicaea I (325) and Constantinople I (381), laid the foundation of Orthodox theology by adoption of the statement known commonly as the Nicene Creed.
    首两局,尼西亚( 325 )和君士坦丁堡( 381 ),奠定了基础东正教神学所通过的声明已知常见的为尼西亚信条。
  10. The ecumenical councils of the church, especially the first four Nicene Council and the Chalcedon Council, etc.
  11. An Arabic note states that it was written by Thecla the martyr; and Cyril Lucar the Patriarch adds in his note that tradition says she was a noble Egyptian woman and wrote the codex shortly after the Nicene Council.
  12. To the Nicene Council: I; The Apostolic Fathers, II and III; The Apologists (London, 1864-6 -- unsympathetic BRICHY, The Age of the Fathers (2 vols., London, 1903 ZCKLER, Gesch.
    在尼西亚理事会:我;的使徒父亲,第二和第三;辩护士(伦敦,1864-6 -同情心); B RICHY,年龄的父亲
  13. To clear up the misunderstandings that had arisen in the course of the previous years, an attempt was made to determine still further the significance of the Nicene formularies.
  14. The Nicene Creed was adopted at an ecumenical council convened here by Constantine I in a. d.
    尼西亚的教义在康斯坦丁一世于公元 325年召集的世界范围的大会上被采纳
  15. For example, the Nicene Creed, that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox.
  16. He it was who summoned the Second Ecumenical council, this time at Constantinople in381, where the Nicene greed, the standard of orthodoxy, was drawn up in its final form.
  17. It didn't win the day because throughout the fourth century you still had fights among different bishops, some people not accepting the Nicene Creed.
  18. The Nicene Creed said, no, Jesus did not become divine he always was divine.
  19. With this understanding the Council of Constantinople in 381 was able to reaffirm the Nicene Creed.
  20. And a lot of Christians, Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Anglicans, some other churches, will actually say the Nicene Creed in church as part of the literature.

Nicene [,nai'si:n,'nais-]

a. 小亚细亚旧都尼西亚的
a of or relating to the ancient city of Nicaea in Asia Minor