Netiquette是什么意思 Netiquette在线中文翻译


Netiquette 词典解释

形容词网络礼节(Network etiquette)

Netiquette 双语例句

  1. An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipients at one time, or a news article posted simultaneously to many newsgroups or mailing lists in deliberate or accidental violation of netiquette.
  2. I only know it breaks every rule of'netiquette'according to many people on the Internet.
  3. This article describes and analyzes the present situation of the netiquette education among middle school students, sums up the characteristic of netiquette education, summarizes concrete content of netiquette education after the questionnaire.
  4. As we know, middle school students are future hosts and network is bound to play an important role in their daily life, so carrying out netiquette education has become a task of top priority.
  5. This article is aimed to help students establish great network behavior order, let morality element in the real world get transplanting in the suppositional world, let students understand basic demands for netiquette, and eventually help them build great network behavior regulations.
  6. The Rules of Job-hunting Netiquette

Netiquette [ˈnetɪket]

n. 供电脑网路上使用的习惯规定,网络礼节