Minerva是什么意思 Minerva在线中文翻译

Minerva 英 [miˈnə:və] 美 [mɪˈnɚvə]

Minerva 词典解释


Minerva 网络解释

  1. 美耐华
    ...智慧女神雅典娜,也被称为美耐华(Minerva),是希腊神话中的十二主神之一,也是知识、艺术、手工艺之神. 与智慧女神同名的美耐华表厂,于1858年在祖拿山区的制表重镇维莱尔(Villeret)成立. 近150年的手工制表传统,...
  2. 密涅瓦
    ...--译者① 密涅瓦(Minerva)罗马神话中的智慧女神,即希腊神话中的雅典娜. --译者 古文评注家们若是不讨厌波吕斐摩斯饱餐后所发生的这种声音,他们必 然没有很锐敏的感觉. 他们说雅典的观众们都被这一场趣剧逗笑了,...
  3. 米勒娃
    ...麦格:米勒娃(Minerva),通常的翻译是密涅瓦,罗马神话中的智慧女神,也就是希腊神话中的女神雅典娜. 西弗勒斯?斯内普:西弗勒斯(Severus)在拉丁文中是严厉的意思,和斯内普的性格蛮相符的. 斯内普(Snape)这个词和英文中蛇(Snake)只差一个字母!...
  4. 弥涅耳瓦
    ...雅典娜是希腊奥林匹克十二主神之一,罗马名字叫弥涅耳瓦(Minerva). 传说她是宙斯与智慧女神墨提斯(Metis)所生,因有预言说墨提斯所生的儿女会推翻宙斯,宙斯遂将她整个吞入腹中. 谁知宙斯的头开始疼痛不已,在忍无可忍下他召来赫淮斯托斯,...

Minerva 双语例句

  1. The subject is Telemachus being knighted by Minerva in some gardens, the name of which escapes me.
  2. While they were dancing Phoebus treated Minerva to salad bowls of negus, and Neptune sat in state among seven or eight women who regaled him with cakes.
  3. You did not turn round to look behind you; you took refuge in Lyrnessus, but I attacked the city, and with the help of Minerva and father Jove I sacked it and carried its women into captivity, though Jove and the other gods rescued you.
  4. Some Indian Ceres or Minerva must have been the inventor and bestower of it; and when the reign of poetry commences here, its leaves and string of nuts may be represented on our works of art.
  5. But she had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own, as won the love of everybody who came near her, from Minerva herself down to the poor girl in the scullery, and the one-eyed tart-woman's daughter, who was permitted to vend her wares once a week to the young ladies in the Mall.
  6. The same is true of the Minerva school at Rome (1255), which ranked as a university from the year 1580, and is now the international Collegio Angelico.
    也是如此的密涅瓦学校在罗马( 1255 ),其中列为一所大学从1580年,目前国际学院利科。
  7. Now, however, I will give way in spite of my displeasure; furthermore let me tell you, and I mean what I say- if contrary to the desire of myself, Minerva driver of the spoil, Juno, Mercury, and King Vulcan, Jove spares steep Ilius, and will not let the Achaeans have the great triumph of sacking it, let him understand that he will incur our implacable resentment.
  8. Minerva, wondering why they had preferred trees not yielding fruit, inquired the reason for their choice.
  9. Thence in full panoply and equipment we came towards noon to the sacred waters of the Alpheus, and there we offered victims to almighty Jove, with a bull to Alpheus, another to Neptune, and a herd-heifer to Minerva.
  10. Thus he prayed, and Pallas Minerva heard him; she made his limbs supple and quickened his hands and his feet.
  11. And they that held the strong city of Athens, the people of great Erechtheus, who was born of the soil itself, but Jove's daughter, Minerva, fostered him, and established him at Athens in her own rich sanctuary.
  12. It was not an easy decision to make. How could one choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus?
  13. The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists.
    米拉贝尔姐妹-- Minerva、Patria和Maria Teresa,她们都是政治活动家。
  14. Minerva accordingly metamorphosed him into an unsightly beggar, and as such he was kindly received by Eumaeus, the swineherd, a faithful servant of his house
  15. Be responsible for high quality、reasonable Minerva according to the actual situation of the proposed site.
  16. The influence of Number 7 Athena/Minerva is to help you see the truth about things.
  17. Your child may be the only one in their class to have the name Athena, Minerva, or Pan.
  18. The important thing is that Minerva was much more accurate than MB.
  19. One would have said that Minerva xmfishelf had taught her.
  20. One would have said that Minerva herself had taught her.

Minerva [mi'nә:vә]

n. 密涅瓦(智慧女神,即希腊神话中的雅典娜)
n. (Roman mythology) goddess of wisdom; counterpart of Greek Athena