Michigan是什么意思 Michigan在线中文翻译


Michigan 词典解释


Michigan 网络解释

  1. 密执安
    ...女儿不屑地 说,这太小儿科 了,不就是苏必利尔 湖(Superior),密执安(Michigan) 湖,休伦湖(Huron),伊利湖(Erie),还有安大略湖(Ontario) 吗?不 错,那怎么才能记住这五个湖的名子 呢?儿子想了想 说,有 了,不就 是HOMES, 吗?原 来,...
  2. 密歇根州
    ...以及伊利诺斯州(Illinois), 印第安纳州(Indiana), 密歇根州(Michigan)和威斯康星州(Wisconsin)的大部分地区.管理范围: 阿肯色州(Arkansas)及以下六州的部分地区- 密苏里州(Missouri),...
  3. 密西根州
    ...在上个月伊利诺州(Illinois)通过一项 30% 的税收抵免优惠,来吸引电影生产公司前来发展,今年稍早时纽约也将税收抵免额度调高到 35%,密西根州 (Michigan)目前则为40%....

Michigan 双语例句

  1. Originally, he had planned to begin selling the Eclipse 500 in 2004, but the Michigan-based company Eclipse had contracted with to provide the engines for the aircraft failed to deliver as promised. the engines the company supplied failed safety and durability standards in short test flights, forcing Raburn to cancal the contract and to push back the delivery date of the company`s first jets by two years.
    最初,他计划在2004年开始销售Eclipse 500根据上下文应该是喷气式飞机的型号),但是位于密歇根州的飞机发动机制造商Eclipse未能按照合同的约定标准进行送货。在短距离飞行测试中,他们提供的发动机在安全性和耐久性方面都达不到要求,这迫使Raburn取消了与这家公司的合同并将公司喷气式飞机面市的时间推迟了两年。
  2. Relentlessly shot, trapped, and poisoned, even in nature reserves, gray wolves were gone from the West by the 1930s. In 1974, when Canis lupus was declared endangered in the lower 48 states, the gray wolf population was confined to a corner of northern Minnesota and Michigan's Isle Royale National Park out in Lake Superior.
  3. Foxfire is a 25 year-old woman who patrols the streets of Michigan.
  4. Harlan Hatcher, the president of the University of Michigan, came by and play it.
  5. The largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port; center of the United States automobile industry; located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river.
  6. A city of southeast Michigan opposite Windsor, Ontario, on the Detroit River, about 5 km (32 mi) long.
  7. This view is now being taught at many business schools including the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University and the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan
  8. Therefore, inspired by the theories of complex system, a bottom-up mode model for complex Geo-Spatial system simulation, an extended cellular automata model with the name of GeoCA, is put forward. In the light of GeoCA conceptual model, a delicated urban dynamic model, GeoCAUrban is constructed, and corresponding computer software, GeoCA-Urban System is developed. Furthermore, the dynamic complex behaviors of hypothetical cities are explored through the GeoCA-Urban System. At last, a case study for the simulation and prediction of explosive urban growth of Ann Arbor, a city in Michigan U. S. A., is conducted.
    论文成果:本文以复杂系统理论研究为背景,以地理空间系统为研究对象,以扩展的元胞自动机为建模方法,采用自下而上的研究思路,建立了研究空间复杂系统的GeoCA模型框架;在此基础上,以城市复杂系统为研究对象,构建了城市动态演化模型(GeoCA-Urban),并开发了相应的GeoCA-Urban软件系统,对虚拟城市的内部结构变化和空间扩展过程进行了广泛地试验研究,对城市动态发展的规律和特征进行了探索;最后,在GIS系统的支持下,作者应用GeoCA-Urban模型对美国Ann Arbor城市动态发展的过程进行了模拟和预测。
  9. One of them is accused of planning to seize up to four rural counties in southeast Michigan.
  10. In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Congressman Bart Stupak, a former
  11. I love Lake Michigan. It must be the best lake in the whole world.
  12. The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan.
  13. Took some pictures near by, then I went about 40 minutes to the front of the Michigan lake.
  14. They are making their way up a system built years ago to link the Mississippi to Lake Michigan.
  15. A city of eastern Wisconsin on an arm of Lake Michigan.
  16. In Chicago, Illinois, for example, people can choose from several special holiday trips on Lake Michigan.
  17. The first year's weeds on the Michigan plot are annual flowering plants, followed by tougher perennials like crabgrass and ragweed. Woodier shrubs will shade and suppress the flowers, followed by pines, which suppress the shrubs.
  18. People in most countries around the world are happier these days, according to newly released data from the World Values Survey basedat the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research.
  19. Therese Hebda, 7, of Trenton, Michigan plays with hundreds of other children in a giant lake of mud at the annual Mud Day event July 7, 2009 in Westland, Michigan.
  20. Kelli Yokom, 13, of Edford, Michigan and her friend Stephanie Janssen, 9, of Redford play with hundreds of other children in a giant lake of mud at the annual Mud Day event July 7, 2009 in Westland, Michigan.
    Kelli Yokom,13 Edford ,密歇根大学和她的朋友斯蒂芬妮扬森,9雷德福发挥的其他数百个儿童在一个巨大的湖泥在年度泥日活动2009年7月7日在西部地区,密歇根州。

Michigan 单语例句

  1. Kerry campaigned from New Hampshire to Wisconsin during the day by way of Pennsylvania and Michigan.
  2. University of Michigan researchers just uncovered that eating something tasty can spark brain cells that sense actual pleasure to start firing rapidly.
  3. Romney has also won in the caucus states of Nevada and Wyoming, and finished first in Michigan's primary.
  4. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati is expected to hear arguments this week on the use of provisional ballots in Michigan.
  5. When China Daily reached Bosch representatives at its Michigan office, the company couldn't confirm or comment on the deal.
  6. The Michigan report was consistent with a drop in a consumer sentiment survey issued on February 10 by Investor's Business Daily.
  7. Michigan and Florida were stripped of their convention delegates for moving up their primaries before February 5 in defiance of party rules.
  8. The Michigan Democrat says the Treasury secretary likely would become the'car czar'and oversee restructuring the automakers.
  9. He then points to caucuses in Michigan next Saturday to score a knockout against the floundering Dean campaign.
  10. At the University of Michigan, hundreds marched in support of the school's affirmative action policy.

Michigan ['miʃigәn]

n. 密歇根;美国密歇根州
n. a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
n. a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card