Meredith是什么意思 Meredith在线中文翻译

Meredith 英 [ˈmeridiθ] 美 [ˈmɛrɪdɪθ]

Meredith 网络解释

  1. 梅瑞狄斯
  2. 玛莉提丝 威尔丝 大海的保卫者
    ...Meroy 瑪希 英國 慈悲;同情;仁慈. | Meredith 瑪莉提絲 威爾絲 大海的保衛者. | Merry 梅莉 英國 充滿樂趣和笑聲....
  3. 马勒第兹 威尔斯 大海的保护者
    ...Max 马克斯-- 拉丁-- 最伟大的 | Meredith 马勒第兹-- 威尔斯-- 大海的保护者 | Merlin 莫林 --英国-- 海边的堡垒或海边的小山丘...
  4. 马勒第兹, 韦尔斯 大海的保护者
    ...Maxwell 马克斯韦尔 英国 深具影响力又很值得尊敬之人. | Meredith 马勒第兹 韦尔斯 大海的保护者. | Merlin 莫林 英国 海边的堡垒或海边的小山丘....

Meredith 双语例句

  1. Meredith: You don't just wake up one day and know what life's all about.
  2. Both Warren Buffett and'Today'show host Meredith Vieira say that while being rejected by the school of their dreams was devastating, it launched them on a path to meeting life-changing mentors.
  3. George asks to talk to Meredith but before he can get her alone, the rest of the new interns show up in the hall and are shooed off by the residents.
  4. Meredith longs for the moment when George was sill alive, and Izzie was okay, and everyone was happy – a moment she was barely even conscious of when it was happening.
  5. If so, Meredith Warshaw offers one possible solution.
  6. An immigrant from Ivory Coast has been found guilty of the murder in Italy of a British exchange student Meredith Kercher. The 21-year-old man Rudy Guede was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
  7. Meredith: I don't believe you. You tell me why.
  8. MEREDITH: I`m still not going out with you.
  9. I never said it was Meredith and Derek's wedding, I said it was their wedding day.
  10. I Bet You Told Meredith How You Felt, Though, Didn't You?
  11. Meredith: I just did what I thought was best to keep her here.
  12. Meredith: I don't know how much longer I can hold on, Noah.
    我不知道我还能坚持多久,Noah 。
  13. Meredith: I'd watch out for that one.
  14. But Meredith caught her eye, and she smiled in spite of herself.
  15. Hildegard von Bingen, Meredith Monk, Simone de Beauvoir, Frida Kahlo, Madame Blavatsky, Isadora Duncan, Hélène Cixous, Gertrude Stein, Abe Sada, Sylvia Plath, Louise Bourgeois, Margaret Mead, Loie Fuller, Dorothy Parker, Yoko Ono and the moon goddess En Hedu`Anna are just a few of the figures who are referenced, reflected and summoned in this soulful and exhilarating tribute to some of the greatest hearts and minds that ever lived.
  16. I thoroughly enjoy many musicals, and one of my favorites was written by the American composer Meredith Willson and is entitled The Music Man.
  17. It is Chinese New Year and a traditional celebration for Chinese people. I always feel a bitte unhappy and depressing in my mind even if in this joyful days.
  18. Meredith: She doesn't know you're here.
  19. Meredith: Oh, I'm so sorry. How can I help?
  20. I really do want to know you, Meredith.

Meredith 单语例句

  1. Richard Meredith and Phil Colley set off from Tokyo in an Aston Martin roadster on June 25.
  2. Knox got 26 years in prison for murdering her British roommate Meredith Kercher.
  3. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins rushed past photographers with their kids, as did ABC's Meredith Vieira.
  4. I was grinning from ear to ear but the bemused expression on Meredith's face started to make me nervous.

Meredith ['meridiθ]

n. 梅雷迪思(男子名)
n. United States civil rights leader whose college registration caused riots in traditionally segregated Mississippi (born in 1933)
n. English novelist and poet (1828-1909)