MD是什么意思 MD在线中文翻译

MD 英 [ˌem ˈdi:]


MD 词典解释

形容词minidisk迷你光碟;medical department医务部;muscular dystrophy肌肉萎缩症;Maryland美国马里兰州

MD 网络解释

  1. 马里兰州
  2. 缅甸
    ...T) 马克萨斯(MKSS) 马拉维(MLW) 马来西亚(MLX) 马里(ML) 马里亚纳群岛(MLYN) 马绍尔(MSE) 马提尼克岛(MTNK) 毛里求斯(MLQS) 毛里塔尼亚(MLTNY) 蒙古(MG) 蒙特塞拉特岛(MTSLT) 孟加拉(MJL) 秘鲁(ML) 缅甸(MD) 摩尔多瓦(MED...
  3. 平均差
    ...患者和方法:对24例患有青光眼和白内障的病人进行前瞻性观察研究. 患者在白内障手术的术前和术后利用FDT进行视野检测. 利用Wilcoxon's标记的等级检验对术前和术后的平均差(MD)、特定标准差(PSD)和眼内压进行比较....
  4. abbr. monocular deprived; 单眼剥夺
  5. abbr. marketing department; 市场部
  6. abbr. molecular distillation; 分子蒸馏
  7. abbr. malate dehydrogenase; 苹果酸脱氢酶

MD 双语例句

  1. Such a modified MD simulation method was applied to a pentapeptide and GlnBP in open form. The primary results show that the conformation transition and functional motions of the proteins are enhanced.
  2. Pariser, MD, FAAD, said in a news release.
  3. This will use MD5 hashed password transfer and is perfectly secure.
  4. They are the next step on from the Walkman, Discman and MD player.
  5. With the world's smallest MD Walkman and MD Station combined, its easy to make and edit recordings at home.
    通过世界最小的 MDMD 底座相连,它能够便利的在家里录音。
  6. Mixing DTaP Vaccines Does Not Affect Safety, Immunogenicity1-2 Doses of Tripedia, Then Infanrix, Equivalent to 3 Doses TripediaBy Laurie Barclay, MDReviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD
  7. In chapter two, we give the lee Algbra structure of vector fields f. g which appear inthe state equationThat is to say first we get the expression of h=.prove that f. g. h are linear independent, so their linear combination fill the tangentvector space of Md.
  8. Therefore, we believe that they deserve the attention md consideration of the entire Body of Christ.
  9. It is found that the mutation MD behavior is similar to that of the wild-type MD properties.
  10. This medium was used in screening for transformants and got a transformation rate comparable to that using MD medium.
  11. It seems that MD simulated V-T curves are useful to determine the glass transition temperatures of polymers.
  12. But the person that can make MD wants to be her good friends must have the same criteria with him, having an innocent and kind heart.
  13. This is the attitude that Kristy McCready, MD of BitterSweet Partnership, wants to change with the multimillion-pound campaign.
    这是马里兰州的喜忧参半的伙伴关系Kristy McCready的观点,他想改变上百亿英镑的活动。
  14. MD: That is too direct.
  15. Before buying any the company has to make one PR form and to get the approval from MD.
  16. Responsiblefor all kinds of assistant/sectary work for MD, from primary to executivelevel.
  17. Gladwin, MD, from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleagues.
  18. The MD simulation results of the absorption behavior of multi-chains of copoly structured with 10 chain element confirmed that the chains have high surface active performance as individuals sorption.
  19. Based on this, GPS technology is app lied in fuze. Its app lications in MD IMeasurement ofmissile target test are analyzed and exp lored in brief.
  20. I'll always remember the day I took my resume photoes, when the light hit on my face, the girls around were just astonished speechlessly.

MD 单语例句

  1. Alice has an American MD and has just found a job as a pathologist at a research hospital.
  2. According to sources from Boeing China, production of the MD series has been suspended for economic reasons.

MD [ˌem'di:]

abbr. 迷你光碟(mini disk);总经理(Managing Director);医务部(Medical Department);美国马里兰州(Maryland);DOS命令:建立一个新的子目录;肌肉萎缩症(muscular dystrophy)
n a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles (Md is the current symbol for mendelevium but Mv was formerly the symbol)
n a licensed medical practitioner
n a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies
n a doctor's degree in medicine